Have all of you tried playing with your player in DD? I think that may have something to do with it.
Still no SDS update?🥴
@SDS_Jax_PSN @SDS_Adam_MLBTS any help or updates with this issue?
Seems like I may be SOL. Happened to me as well but I can still see my player in the player selection screen in DD.
Live series Mookie Betts and live series Bader going for 3500 stubs. Not bad for free.
@raesone_psn said in Dear SDS,:
@therealnoahgibb said in Dear SDS,:
@raesone_psn said in Dear SDS,:
@therealnoahgibb said in Dear SDS,:
@raesone_psn said in Dear SDS,:
@therealnoahgibb said in Dear SDS,:
@raesone_psn said in Dear SDS,:
Suggestion 2 made me laugh. Can't get an opponent to quit soon enough, but I guess I'm just weird?
At least make them play 1 or 2 innings. They usually put mercy rules in. If not they need to. So if you get the dog s beat out of you then it will automatically call for the mercy rule.
The point is that whenever someone wants to quit for whatever reason, I can't think of a single reason why that would be a problem. Like none. Zero. I'll take that W and move onto the next.
Because not all of us want to keep searching for an opponent and have life outside of the video game but I understand where you are coming from. I never, ever have enough time to reach the amount of wins for the final card in events and them quitting is an easy way to take a W but sometimes you want to play a game without having to play 9 inning ranked seasons.
Wait.. you say you never have enough time to reach the amount of total wins.. you know what would help? Opponents who quit early and often.
Its not like you wouldn't get total wins. You aren't playing the same 5 people all the time. I am saying if they play a game, quit in the 1st inning, jump in 2 more back to back to back to and do the same. Then put a temp freeze to prevent them for doing it all the time. "I don't care if they do that I take the w" Understand where you are coming from and yes a w is a w. Some of you may not see where I am coming from and some will. Ain't it great to have an opinion.
Fair enough, but a punishment for people who quit out of games will never happen. Even if it's just for the simple fact that there is no way to track if the player got disconnected intentionally or not. Can't punish a player for a wifi outage or a lag spike that causes a disconnect.
That is true. I was just spitballing because it seems like it happens all the time. I don't even play at night hardly or on weekends(during the busy time) but it still happens pretty regular. Lol
@raesone_psn said in Dear SDS,:
@therealnoahgibb said in Dear SDS,:
@raesone_psn said in Dear SDS,:
@therealnoahgibb said in Dear SDS,:
@raesone_psn said in Dear SDS,:
Suggestion 2 made me laugh. Can't get an opponent to quit soon enough, but I guess I'm just weird?
At least make them play 1 or 2 innings. They usually put mercy rules in. If not they need to. So if you get the dog s beat out of you then it will automatically call for the mercy rule.
The point is that whenever someone wants to quit for whatever reason, I can't think of a single reason why that would be a problem. Like none. Zero. I'll take that W and move onto the next.
Because not all of us want to keep searching for an opponent and have life outside of the video game but I understand where you are coming from. I never, ever have enough time to reach the amount of wins for the final card in events and them quitting is an easy way to take a W but sometimes you want to play a game without having to play 9 inning ranked seasons.
Wait.. you say you never have enough time to reach the amount of total wins.. you know what would help? Opponents who quit early and often.
Its not like you wouldn't get total wins. You aren't playing the same 5 people all the time. I am saying if they play a game, quit in the 1st inning, jump in 2 more back to back to back to and do the same. Then put a temp freeze to prevent them for doing it all the time. "I don't care if they do that I take the w" Understand where you are coming from and yes a w is a w. Some of you may not see where I am coming from and some will. Ain't it great to have an opinion.
@raesone_psn said in Dear SDS,:
@therealnoahgibb said in Dear SDS,:
@raesone_psn said in Dear SDS,:
Suggestion 2 made me laugh. Can't get an opponent to quit soon enough, but I guess I'm just weird?
At least make them play 1 or 2 innings. They usually put mercy rules in. If not they need to. So if you get the dog s beat out of you then it will automatically call for the mercy rule.
The point is that whenever someone wants to quit for whatever reason, I can't think of a single reason why that would be a problem. Like none. Zero. I'll take that W and move onto the next.
Because not all of us want to keep searching for an opponent and have life outside of the video game but I understand where you are coming from. I never, ever have enough time to reach the amount of wins for the final card in events and them quitting is an easy way to take a W but sometimes you want to play a game without having to play 9 inning ranked seasons.
@the_dragon1912 said in Dear SDS,:
@raesone_psn said in Dear SDS,:
Suggestion 2 made me laugh. Can't get an opponent to quit soon enough, but I guess I'm just weird?
I'm with you on that. I'll take quits any day of the week. You can parallel offline so that shouldn't be an excuse anymore
You can parallel faster online and not everyone can play 24/7.️
@raesone_psn said in Dear SDS,:
Suggestion 2 made me laugh. Can't get an opponent to quit soon enough, but I guess I'm just weird?
At least make them play 1 or 2 innings. They usually put mercy rules in. If not they need to. So if you get the dog s beat out of you then it will automatically call for the mercy rule.
Have a couple patch ideas/improvement for the next update:
Players keep complaining about selecting duplicate 42, TA3 players etc. Why not place an exchange in where you can exchange the duplicate to the one you need? Just limit it to 42 series, non sellable cards or TA non sellable. That way users can't exploit the market and exchange cards to higher valued cards. This would also cut down help tickets you receive.
Limit the amount of quits a player can have per event entry. If a player quits x amount games in a 24 hours period. Place a temporary freeze on the account to prevent them from playing for a while. Gets real frustrating playing someone online. You hit 1 HR and they quit. A lot of us are trying to gain xp and parallel players and not solely focus on the wins.
Have the online lineup be auto generated to the cap overall. It is frustrating searching for players and resetting line ups to meet the cap. At least have a "Use last line up" option.
There are other ideas like patching the online play stealing where the player doesn't blow past 2nd and keep on trucking. Another issue is when there are runner(s) on base the first pitch of the AB usually glitches and throws your timing off. This is mostly seen in offline play.
I am sure others as well as myself could think of ideas to help. Not all of us complain just to complain on here. I thoroughly enjoy playing the game.
A 5 year MLB the Show veteran -
Online play has been garbage. Another gripe about online play is if the cap for overall rating is 95, why not auto generate a 95 lineup.🤯
Like wth? Tried 3 games in a row to steal second and the player just rounds the base and keeps on trucking. Anyone else having this issue?
@chuckclc_psn said in Playstation stub sale:
I hope not. This would be a horrible time to inflate all the cards prices with a stub sale. Too many people trying to get Mookie
Not horrible if SDS wants to make more money. They know some people are willing to buy stubs for Mookie, so it wouldn't surprise me.
I did it first try. Using contact perks and contact swing. Pick Soriano if you can and bat him first. It is very helpful for a couple of the showdowns.
Just curious. Haven't used him yet. Thankfully I had been working the market and collecting cards all year. Zero stubs bought this year. See everyone saying stuff like he isn't worth it or that they are far away from collecting him.
Got all but topps now. Save those til last to use xp towards new program every month. Then complete monthly program and I should be good to go. Card prices about to go stupid. Oh and I haven't bought stubs all year.
And to add to the market mayhem they announced a flash sale today starting this afternoon. Same as last time. Probably AS Game, Hr Derby, Headliner, Headliner, Live Series. 30k a pop and a stub sale is going on right now too. With the legendary and flashbacks collection starting today.....the market is about to go absolutely crazy.
I am having trouble hitting in new event. Like it's horrible. I held my own last event but this one I am 1 - 6 and have been no hit 5 times. I don't understand what is going on.
@therainmaker29_xbl said in Landed the Big Fish!!!:
Grind to 650k… open the pack and landed my first ever Trout pull. Feels good.
Is it worth at this point finishing the AL for Ortiz? That’s my biggest question. Or do I just sell Trout?
Yes. It is worth it.
Rtts Save File Issue
Rtts Save File Issue
Rtts Save File Issue
Rtts Save File Issue
Baseball Card Day pack pulls
Dear SDS,
Dear SDS,
Dear SDS,
Dear SDS,
Dear SDS,
Dear SDS,
Stealing bases online
Stealing bases online
Playstation stub sale
Sorry but Showdown is still TRASH
Anyone else have Mookie already?
Request to Post Voucher Requirements for Mookie
Prices up tomorrow, right??
I can't hit any more. . .
Landed the Big Fish!!!