What the heck does that mean and why do they say it randomly throughout the game? Haha ill have 3 Ks and I get “The beat goes on, that’s number 8”
98% of baseball “fights” are jus show men out there barking. I’m not saying add a Odor punch to the game but an interaction between the benches and bullpens would keep things interesting throughout a game
We should be able to clear the benches and argue calls with the umpire. It seems like this portion of the game was ignored all the way. I enjoy the average ump option where calls can be straight egregious. I also think they should add in sunny day errors where when a pop up happens during a day game, the indicator can disappear depending on how bright out it is. I think it is more realistic of an error than what this game is working with right now
The beat goes on, that’s number 8
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