Congrats man! Way to start off the year right.
Just wait for the flash sale today and I’m guessing he may go down a little if he gets pulled enough
If you’re religious, pray
If you’re not, close your eyes and hit x
Seriously though, once you get to hall of fame and legend those sinkers are insane if the person knows how to mix pitches well
It's because last year the pick off to second never worked so this year they made it a thing so everyone wasn't getting an extended lead without any consequence. Rather than taking a lead work on hitting the ball through the hole the player covering the bag is giving up.
Sinker in is tough cause, in my experience at least, you have to sit on the pitch. Start your PCI belt high and let the ball break into it, otherwise you'll pound it right into the ground. Other advice is to wait for a mistake and lay off the sinker in unless the player is spamming it in.
First ever WS!!
Tips for Hitting SNK
Getting picked if second base