Yeah, I'm not restarting [censored] until y'all either compensate us with TA vouchers or actually fix the problem. I was actually enjoying this game more than 22 as well. Well, except for perfect pinpoint pitches still barely touching the edge of the PAR (please for the love of God fix that)
The Liberater_XBL
They should hend out at least 3 vouchers to everyone who had a ongoing season that was screwed up due to SDS's update.
3 TA vouchers would be laughable as well. It's basically a guaranteed 10 every time you enter, it's just that it's a grind and takes time. Doesn't cost them anything to say, "hey, we messed up. here's 10 vouchers", and it's not like it'll disrupt the market or gameplay considering the rewards are a) non-sellable and b) can't be used the whole season. Even 5 vouchers isn't enough when you consider their "fix" to restart the season hasn't worked for everyone, so that's even more time wasted.
Alright SDS, need a new pin for another Mini Seasons issue. Just had my season wasted because my game crashed during the Classic Mode Championship. 7+ hours wasted, again. Any compensation or even just an acknowledgment would be much appreciated.
Update - Mini-Seasons Error - "Your Opponent Has An Invalid Roster"
Update - Mini-Seasons Error - "Your Opponent Has An Invalid Roster"
Mini Seasons Crashing