Started 9-15, got to 10-15 with 2 outs to go got it to 14-15 and then grounded out, 108 pitches and Mo was still painting corners

50% of the time a flyball is hit, outfield or infield, the fielder dives repeatedly and it results in a hit. Has been an issue for over a month and no patch yet?
Can’t complain, got the Matt Chapman I needed to complete the A’s collection and added the doolittle to my bullpen
Just a rant: Knowing that SDS operates in PST/PDT, who else would be in favor of them releasing programs earlier? Being on the east coast means 3pm is rather late in the day to grind day 1
Camping under a ball at the track and my CF dove forward allowing for a 2 out triple in a late inning 0-0 game allowing one to score. I don’t rage quit often but this called for it
5th Inning Showdown
New conquest map
Program releases
Automatic diving outfielders