I use the maps to help with player missions more than anything. You'll get lots of packs from each map so they're worth doing.

I've just been playing the event so every 4 games gets a voucher. Almost not worth playing a full 9 innings
@BJDUBBYAH_PSN said in Wild card question:
@TexasTauper_PSN said in Wild card question:
Probably been answered but I took a month off because of burn out but I'm trying again. Why aren't I able to use Katel Marte from the Extreme program and my Set 3 Trout at the same time? It forces me to make one of them my Wild Card selection. Shouldn't it force me to make my Set 1 Chipper Jones the Wild Card? Is this a glitch?
In your main manage squad screen, you’ll need to generate a season 3 eligible lineup for everything to work properly.
Thanks. That helped. Although my roster was already season 3 eligible. I guess you have to let it generate one first. Goofy.
Probably been answered but I took a month off because of burn out but I'm trying again. Why aren't I able to use Katel Marte from the Extreme program and my Set 3 Trout at the same time? It forces me to make one of them my Wild Card selection. Shouldn't it force me to make my Set 1 Chipper Jones the Wild Card? Is this a glitch?
Tried another showdown just to check and it’s screwed up too. SDS IS A JOKE! Can’t do anything without it being f-ed up for a day.
Won’t let me even forfeit
Maybe I need to switch to Xbox since it has a better frame rate than the PS5
All I gotta say is Season 3 cards better all be bangers or this is going to be pointless. I'll be losing a bunch of Season 1 players I really like. I know I can switch my wild card around to whoever I want to use but just about my whole offensive lineup is Season 1 cards. I kinda wish Babe and Chipper weren't in Season 1.
I finished Set 1 and hopefully will Set 2. Even it you get all the free cards you’re going to have to buy some. I don’t remember how many. The XP bonus spins helped me a lot.
All the YouTubers look like their sucking and invisible D in their thumbnails too
I said it in another post but they are catering to the 1% that make WS and go 12-0 in BR consistently. They hide it by saying they never meant for people to grind out ranked and BR to sell the rewards. I think that’s some made up BS. When you stop thinking about the vast majority of your market, people lose interest in your product. Streamers will always buy the game and buy stubs for pack opening content. Casuals will stop playing all together. I personally unsubscribed to every streamer that plays this game. I’m not helping anyone make more money on this game until they fix this mess.
Go have a beer and chill. People quit early in every mode. I've done it if I'm getting blown out but sometimes I'll stick with it if I just need some innings. Don't let what others do affect your day. You control that. Stay positive and just roll with it.
@The_Joneser_PSN said in Ranked and BR Change Explanation:
@TexasTauper_PSN said in [Ranked and BR Change Explanation]
I don't think it's greedy to sell the cards I spent my time obtaining. If they just want to give them to me with no effort I'm good with them not being sellable. If I spend my free time playing a mode to get a card it should be sellable. I'm even ok with rewind packs not being sellable because 5 wins in events isn't difficult. It bothers me and a lot of people that in Ranked will need to play 200+ innings online to not have a sellable card is dumb.
Sorry, but I think it is kind of greedy to complain about being given a free path to earning a card you can use, if you want it, and then complaining that you can't sell it for something else.
I get that the ranked situation bothers you, but no one is making you do that. if you don't want to use any of the cards they're offering you for playing 200+ innings, and you don't enjoy playing RS just to play RS, then... don't?
Again, these cards aren't hand outs. They take time and effort to obtain. If you think it's greedy to want to sell something I worked for, then let's agree to disagree. I feel then those that obtain them by making WS or a 12-0 run shouldn't be able to obtain them twice. Because why should they get to be " greedy " and sell one and keep one where I can't sell any?
@The_Joneser_PSN said in Ranked and BR Change Explanation:
@TexasTauper_PSN said in [Ranked and BR Change Explanation]
I never said it was evil or a bait and switch tactic. We aren't going to agree on this and that's fine. I don't know how much it cost to create content but neither do you. I think the idea that this is all done so they stay just profitable is ignorant as well. All corporations go this route eventually. Greed gets them all.
You didn't say those things... I'm taking in other arguments as well and throwing it out there in a response quoting you, so that's probably not fair. And, look, I'm not trying to pick a fight with you; I even agree that many corporations go the route you say (not all--and I also started my little missive here by saying I didn't know the answers to the questions I'm posing).
Greed does indeed prevail quite often. And complaining that rewards can't be sold is pretty f****** greedy.
I don't think it's greedy to sell the cards I spent my time obtaining. If they just want to give them to me with no effort I'm good with them not being sellable. If I spend my free time playing a mode to get a card it should be sellable. I'm even ok with rewind packs not being sellable because 5 wins in events isn't difficult. It bothers me and a lot of people that in Ranked will need to play 200+ innings online to not have a sellable card is dumb.
@The_Joneser_PSN said in Ranked and BR Change Explanation:
@TexasTauper_PSN said in [Ranked and BR Change Explanation]
When SDS changed the whole WS/BR exclusive awards a couple years ago they said they did it to make the game more enjoyable for everyone. Now they’re backtracking on that. Yes I get your point about at least being able to obtain the cards even it I can’t sell them. To your homeless point, it’s more like giving a guy a tuna sandwich and not allowing him to sell it to get a turkey sandwich because he doesn’t like tuna. Some of the rewards are great but I’d rather use them to obtain players I actually want to use. I 100% completed set 1 because I could sell reward players I didn’t want to get players I did. Further sets won’t be completed and that’s fine I guess. I’m definitely not breaking out my cc to buy stubs. To my other point, plenty of people buy stubs because of various reasons. This is just a money grab and that’s why it bothers so many.
I don't see this change as backtracking on making the game enjoyable. That change was designed to allow access to those particular cards, for those who would enjoy using them; it was never meant to be a stub source. And the point you reference was about gratitude and appreciating a nice gesture, not about parlaying everything you receive into something you like better, and being salty about it when you can't.
A lot of people are bothered by a lot of things that they don't make an attempt to see from another perspective; again, do you know how much money this game takes to produce at this level? Do you know, for certain, that SDS can do all the things they're doing with only the proceeds of original game sales and the additional money they made on those who bought stubs in previous years? How should they make more money, if not this way? I've no doubt that they're making a profit (as they should), but to assume that all of this is an evil plot to first addict people to their product and then extract all of their money is pretty dim, particularly when the people that are so angered by it have no idea what they're talking about.
I never said it was evil or a bait and switch tactic. We aren't going to agree on this and that's fine. I don't know how much it cost to create content but neither do you. I think the idea that this is all done so they stay just profitable is ignorant as well. All corporations go this route eventually. Greed gets them all.
@The_Joneser_PSN said in Ranked and BR Change Explanation:
@TexasTauper_PSN said in Ranked and BR Change Explanation:
I think its funny when people say " just make it to WS or just try hard to get a 12-0 run". Trust me, I've tried for years. Never made it to either. I liked being able to at least grind out BR or ranked to get someone I could sell if I wanted to get others I wanted. SDS wants to make the 1% feel even more special by doing this. And it's their right to do so, but I don't think they thought it all the way through. Streamers and the 1% will buy this game year after year because they're either really good and/or they're making money off YouTube or Twitch whether or not this was implemented. Regular guys like me may not come back next year because of it. I think they need to look at all the companies lately that have forgotten about their core demographic. SDS can be boycotted in oblivion too.
Granted, casually saying that you should just go out and do the difficult thing that earns the sellable reward is silly, because it's something that is unobtainable for many of us. No one worth taking seriously is going to say something like that. However, and I mean this without disrespect, what you're saying doesn't hold a lot of water, either.
I'm also a regular guy without a chance of going on a 12-0 run in BR, and though I've been playing this game since it was a thing, the highest I've sniffed in RS is the low 800s. Despite that, and the fact that I can't sell program rewards, there isn't a chance in hell that I'll be boycotting this game. I assure you that SDS is in no danger of losing a significant portion of their base by not allowing people to sell rewards.
Going a little further, from what place is this whole complaint coming? These rewards used to be only for those who could do those very difficult things; SDS did their base a solid by allowing "the rest of us" to obtain those cards without forking over a large amount of stubs to get them in setting up these program rewards. Clearly, they've decided that they didn't do that so people could profit in the game from their gesture, so they adjusted and made it so those who actually want the cards in question to actually use on their team and enjoy can still do so, but only the originally targeted recipients of these supposedly rare rewards could turn around and sell them. How about a little gratitude for the handout, instead of complaining that you can't turn around and sell it? Who's being greedy, there? I imagine, for SDS, listening to this argument is something akin to buying an extra sandwich, giving it to a homeless guy, and then watching him get pissed off that you didn't just hand him a $10 bill so he could buy a bottle of Jagermeister instead.
Even further; so what if SDS is changing things so they can make a little more money off of this game after its release? Why shouldn't they? People have gotten to this point where they demand constant work from the developers to continuously tweak and adjust every facet of the game, provide new content weekly, design new programs, etc., and they somehow expect them to do this for only the initial purchase price of the game? That only makes sense if the game is take-it-or-leave-it-as-is until the next year's release... of course they need a revenue stream to fund that. Why is that wrong, particularly if they are still allowing a very reasonable path to play this game and earn good cards to use without spending more money. Maybe you can't have Chipper without spending money. So what.
When SDS changed the whole WS/BR exclusive awards a couple years ago they said they did it to make the game more enjoyable for everyone. Now they’re backtracking on that. Yes I get your point about at least being able to obtain the cards even it I can’t sell them. To your homeless point, it’s more like giving a guy a tuna sandwich and not allowing him to sell it to get a turkey sandwich because he doesn’t like tuna. Some of the rewards are great but I’d rather use them to obtain players I actually want to use. I 100% completed set 1 because I could sell reward players I didn’t want to get players I did. Further sets won’t be completed and that’s fine I guess. I’m definitely not breaking out my cc to buy stubs. To my other point, plenty of people buy stubs because of various reasons. This is just a money grab and that’s why it bothers so many.
SDS must have hired some 13 year old steamer to come up with this [censored]. I really can’t imagine a grown man going into a meeting to pitch this idea. I’ve never thought “you know what this game needs. Giant monsters, unsearchable nickname players and unsellable players I spent at least 12 hours grinding to get”. This is the worst of the worst ideas SDS has ever had. And I mean worse than 2018’s Immortal cards.
@TripleH-4481_PSN said in Give back real names:
Yep, it’s shifting to kids and die hards. The adult casuals are being suggestively squeezed out with each move made this year.
Last year was the most fun I've had in this game and I've played this game ever since it was 989 Studios. This year it the most obvious attempt to exclude their core demographic. The focus on micro transactions and no sell rewards is getting out of hand.
I've just been searching by team
I think its funny when people say " just make it to WS or just try hard to get a 12-0 run". Trust me, I've tried for years. Never made it to either. I liked being able to at least grind out BR or ranked to get someone I could sell if I wanted to get others I wanted. SDS wants to make the 1% feel even more special by doing this. And it's their right to do so, but I don't think they thought it all the way through. Streamers and the 1% will buy this game year after year because they're either really good and/or they're making money off YouTube or Twitch whether or not this was implemented. Regular guys like me may not come back next year because of it. I think they need to look at all the companies lately that have forgotten about their core demographic. SDS can be boycotted in oblivion too.
Which Conquest maps offer the best cards?
Tally IP voucher for TA
Wild card question
Wild card question
Future Stars Showdown Invalid Roster
Future Stars Showdown Invalid Roster
I’ve gotten soo much better at this game :)
Other program…just in time for father’s day
Set 1 completion
NMS YouTubers
This game is in the worst state this franchise has ever been.
Early quilters on ranked
Ranked and BR Change Explanation
Ranked and BR Change Explanation
Ranked and BR Change Explanation
Ranked and BR Change Explanation
Very small gripe on Incog. names
Give back real names
Incognito and the companion app
Ranked and BR Change Explanation