@grandchamp3500 said in Network Error help:
@tapdcap said in Network Error help:
I have never encountered many network errors with any game I have had until I downloaded The Show 20. The came continually froze and then a network error would follow. I assumed that this was a bug in the game and hoped there would be a patch soon. After a while, I started researching these errors and ran across the Puma 6 modem chipset stuff and changed out my modem. That didn't fix the issue either. I deleted the game several times over the last 2 weeks and reinstalled. I did notice that I was having an issue with rebuilding the database at times. I took a chance and changed the hard drive to a SSD and that cured all the freezing gameplay and network errors. I still can't figure out why the error messages weren't more accurate.
interesting, is that hard to do?
On a PS4 Pro, it's not hard at all. Before you make that investment, you may want to put the device in safe mode and try to rebuild the database. If that starts giving you problems then your hard drive may be going as well.
I was more caught off guard at how the game didn't provide more accurate error messages that would have helped me identify what was really going on.