No money spent. Only money I have put on the game this year was for the game itself. It is possible to do as long as you are willing to put in the work of flipping and grinding, and commit to not opening packs unless they are freebies. The is the first year I have ever been able to do it without spending any money, and all it took was immense patience, work, and self control to stop buying packs. As soon as those things came together, I really hit the ground running. So to all of you who say you have to spend money to do collections, let this be proof to you that anyone can do it! Good luck and have a blessed day everyone!

1:50 packs per diamond. Is that right?
Or course not. 150 packs later, still no diamonds. Does anyone else have this bad of luck? -
It blows my mind how hilariously bad the servers have been this year. Usually they have some issues, but nothing close to this. I've been playing the show for the last 10 years and it has never been close to this bad.
I can be guilty of this at times too, but you got to give them credit. Even though the hitting and pitching could be better, they listen to the community and they are not completely pay to win trash like 2k. At least there is an overall currency that isn't impossible to earn in game for mlb the show. They only way to get any high tier players in 2k is to sink a ton of money into VC.
Makes MLB the show feel like a tremendous waste of time. I get on and don't wanna grind offline [censored] for more than 5 minutes haha
Over 150 packs and still no diamonds? I don't know why I never learn my lesson. That is including five ballin is a habit packs and five headliners. This is absolutely ludicrous.
May will drop in price at some point. Pull the trigger on collections. To get degrom, arenado, ottavino, gwynn, Schmitt, Sheffield, Mantle and others is too good to pass up and keep one starter.
My wife changed some very crucial settings on my monitor. That was the issue hahaha
Is anyone else having this problem? Everytime I collect anything for a team, I get no xp and no stubs.
Yea man, it's bad. Opened up another 50 and still nothing. It's been over 200 now. They really shouldn't say odds are 1:50 if it's not even close
Yea 17 was way worse. I remember opening about 500 with no luck too. I understand you aren't guaranteed a diamond every 50 packs, but you would think after 200, you'd at least get one.
Yea, I bet the online stuff will be better in a year or so. I don't care about that though. The story is so good, and super time consuming anyway. I feel like I accomplished something every time I play RDR2, maybe I am just burnt out with MLB the show after 10 years.
Finally finished collections...
Pack odds
Servers down
People hating on SDS too much
Playing red dead redemption...
Collection Advice
New update
No XP/Stubs for collections glitch
Playing red dead redemption...