I haven't had too much opportunity to explore RTTS for 21, but it seems like you can only have one career player with a variety of loadouts, is that correct? With previous editions, I liked to have a career for each position 1 to 9, which let me experience the entire range of the game with multiple teams. I'd create RP & CP characters as well, so I'd have 11 save files and just have fun switching back and forth and enjoying the variety.. Now it seems I'm limited to just the one "player" whose dynamics I can vary somewhat through loadouts. I created one player, played a few games, and went back to "My Ballplayer" to try and make a new player, but apparently all I did was create a new loadout which took up from where my previous player left off, just with a new name, look, and attributes.
If this is the case, I absolutely hate it. I understand the way I play the game may be atypical, but RTTS is basically the only mode I play and I feel like the depth and variety has been nuked. I have no interest in importing my character into DD, a mode I never play, or any other mode, as I was already getting the "full" baseball experience from previous versions of RTTS.
If developers were looking to improve RTTS, tearing it completely down to force integration with other modes seems woefully ill-advised. There are any number of other ways they could have deepened RTTS, from increasing options/consequences for character roles like Lightning Rod or Maverick, improving and deepening commentator dialog and player interactions with teammates, rivals and media, or having more historical/statistical references during broadcasts (baseball is all about the stats and history, after all). Obviously, those are all things that would have appealed to me. And, I'm sure the changes that were made in RTTS will and do appeal to some.
I am not among that number, and am very disappointed.