I have a "slick spark plug" and it is supposed to have a secondary position of second base, but when I play him there it says he has 5 fielding. I even have 2 gold fielding perks, diamond equipment, etc. yet it still says he's a common defender. What's the deal?
@pennstatefencer said in market won't let me sell player not in my squad:
Check your event lineup. Even if you haven't played the event. That's pretty much always the issue.
Yep. That was it. Thanks
I packed Starling Marte and the market will not let me sell him despite him not being in my lineup. What do I do?
Do I need to have both versions of the game to play with my friends since they do not have next gen yet or can I play cross gen?
Yeah my friend and I who have ps5 and xbox series s respectively are having the same issue.
created player glitched?
market won't let me sell player not in my squad
market won't let me sell player not in my squad
Current Gen vs Next gen
Cross Play with Friends not Working?