I was in the minority that liked HR/9 at the beginning last year. It made contact hitters actually relevant. Power bats could still wreck good HR/9 pitchers, just wasn't a home run derby like everyone wants.

Yeah, something with hitting isn't right this year. Also when perfect hits go to the opposite field it's absurd to me and very awkward looking.
bAcK tO bACk YeArS pUlLiNg tRoUt
Broken: PCI placement/user input means next to nothing after the patches. It is heavily RNG focused. I'm no casual, I don't claim to be great or anything... just a longtime fan who still enjoys the content and has valid criticism.
But it's absurdity on what hits even count as "perfect-perfect", "good-okay", and "good-squared up". From which types of these hits that get down, or as an out, it's totally arbitrary and contextual RNG. Compare some of your "good-okay" and "perfects"; many of them will show the ball barely out of dead center in the PCI for both. Or, an even more squared up hit for a "good-okay" than a "perfect" at times. Regardless, the "perfect" hits that do get down, or out, are just random anyway.
Either the hitting system itself is actually broken, or the post-hit analysis of it is.
Pitching is an even worse mess. I remember previous years being much more accurate with user input. This year so far, you can sometimes see the ball abruptly change to the opposite direction from their breaks after the pitch. Let alone those hangers during high confidence/energy with good releases.
Holy... you guys that are against the OP are ridiculous and toxic.
This game is legit broken right now in a multitude of ways, fair criticism from fans should be welcomed.
I'll still give it a break since there's a freaking pandemic right now and I just love baseball... But c'mon the gameplay is in a really bad place right now from an objective perspective.
Perfect/Perfect Foul Ball
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