It's just a visual bug though. Your ballplayer still has the stats that their archetype and equipment gives them ingame, even if the OVR doesn't go over 65.
Well since I just unlocked my first Diamond archetype a few minutes ago I feel like now is a good time to go into some more in depth feedback on this year’s iteration of RTTS and the Ballplayer system in general.
The big elephant in the room is that there are bugs everywhere (chief among them being that archetype progression doesn’t work without the DD workaround), and while they are very much a serious issue there are 101 other threads dedicated solely to them. So with that out of the way let’s get started.
— Archetype progression feels good.
The archetype specific missions / milestones feel good for progression and add a lot of value to the games you play in the minors. They’re a much better alternative to the teammate challenges from previous games and are more rewarding than just relying on base gains and training days. Plus, the jump in stats that come with each new tier of the core archetype is a much more impactful spike in OVR than the slowly raising stats 1 point at a time.— Universal stats can make for “OP” starts
With the universal Ballplayer keeping the same base stats and archetype choices throughout multiple saves means that you can have “superstar prospect” starts without the need for high tier gear.Indifferent:
— Base stat caps at 50
Given that you can get upwards of +40 boosts from core archetypes I can understand why base stats are capped at 50. I don’t have an issue with this, but it makes base gains feel pretty inconsequential since they have to be stunted in order to make the smaller improvement window work.Negatives:
— Next to no immersion at all
RTTS has never been the most immersive gaming experience out there, but there were tools within the game mode that at least let you have some. Personality perks and the ability to create multiple characters (not just save files) meant that you could have a loyal team captain that stuck with the team that drafted him, or a loose cannon that just went with whoever paid him the most money, etc. Without those things the mode just feels devoid of anything aside from a background to house archetype progression. The prospect podcasts are neat and do add to the experience, but it’s still not enough in my opinion. Especially when you consider you always start out as a two-way prospect no matter what.Plus, loadouts don’t help the immersion issue considering you can go from a speedy contact hitter, to a slow power bat, to a fireballing ace, all in the span of 3 days. Superhumans do exist I guess. Perfect for DD, but don’t really enhance RTTS in a meaningful way if you aren’t a two-way player.
— Perk cards are pretty bland
Perk cards are incredibly underwhelming considering they do nothing other than offer additional stat trades. Especially the low tier perks that are more of a detriment to stats than they are a benefit. +5 to contact for a -5 in power doesn’t really add excitement to the system. I haven’t reached any diamond perk cards yet, so for all I know they end up being a bit more interesting in their stat tradeoffs, but I doubt that will make them any more interesting.— No more fresh starts
Unless I’m not thinking of something simple then there’s no way to have a “fresh” RTTS save in which you start from scratch with base stats. Aside from maybe making a new PSN account I suppose. While it’s not the worst thing in my opinion, it’s still something.Quick Thoughts:
- 50 base stat caps are fine. The days of superhumans with 99 in everything have been gone for a while now and Loadouts let you get close enough to that anyway.
- Still would like to be able to pick which stats I can train on training days rather than picking from a list of stats that might not contain what I want to improve.
- A return to having multiple characters is much needed. Universal Ballplayer is cool, but letting us have other unique players for RTTS makes the mode more replayable. Limiting it to only one at a time being usable in DD seems like a fair compromise.
- Loadouts are perfect for DD which makes me feel like the system was forced onto RTTS halfway through development.
- Archetypes should be account wide, while base stats should be character specific. (More multiple character wishes)
- We should be able to pick the DD Ballplayer’s primary and secondary position rather than having the archetypes decide that for us. The Ballplayer should be able to fill in a hole in our roster if need be, not create conflicts.
- A return of personality choices in RTTS would be nice, as well as pre-draft content to help add a little more life to the mode in general. High school games are likely a pipe dream, but anything is better than being thrust into the draft upon starting the mode.
All in all I’ve had fun with the Ballplayer system so far, even with how unpolished and broken some aspects are right now. It certainly isn’t flawless, and even if everything was functioning correctly it wouldn’t be perfect. However, at the same time I don’t think it’s entirely doom and gloom outside of the obvious issues that need resolving.
Yep same issue. Progress worked normally until I got called up then all progress stopped counting again. Even the previous DD workaround doesn't work anymore.
Starting to think your RTTS ballplayer in DD not being able to get higher than a 65 is intended and not a glitch
Extended RTTS / Ballplayer thoughts
Ballplayer stats not counting towards program