I get that NotAndris but the system should know once a Hr is hit, it counts
Anybody have preference on TV they prefer to use. I play better on smaller TVs. 36-40 inch rather than 55 and up. Also does batting view make a big difference ?
Rookie Arod, 2003 Arod, 2008 Prince Fielder, 98 McGuire
Can anyone tell me why SDS has not fixed this. Just hit a Granderson Homerun needed for challenges and as ball is in air, the quit/turnoff/breakPs4 in half/etc, Homerun never counts . This happens way to often for SDS to not catch this “glitch”
Someone Rage Quits on HR, HR doesn’t count.
What TVs work better ? Which batting view?
Dream Cards
Someone Rage Quits on HR, HR doesn’t count.