On the online website for mlb the show you are able to find your team with your pitchers and hitters. Are you guys going to add that to the companion app? Thank you
![snitty7_PSN snitty7_PSN](https://theshownation-production.s3.amazonaws.com/forum_icons/mlb23/icon_theshow_logo.webp)
I went in to warm up my pen after hitting a game tying 3 run shot. I unpause and the game is just frozen on a birds eye view shot of Hanley Ramirez in the box. I lost 26 points because of this. If you can’t fix fielding, hitting, base running, or even pitching, please for the love of all that’s good. Fix your server and in game bugs. Also the hone run thing on the scoreboard is still broken. Do you guys even work on the game. I am flabbergasted by just typing this. PLZ FIX THIS NOW.
During my game with this guy I was winning 3-1 and the connection has been bad the whole game. Then I get five hits and a row and the connection keeps getting worst. Then he looses connection and it said I lost
Hey there, so I am basically done with the 1rst inning program I just need to win a couple more games in DD and BR but then I will be done with all missions. Even with that I will still have like 180 program stars. So there needs to be more ways to earn program stars like missions
My Squad
I literally lost a game because it froze and then said I forfeited
Connection lost in game
Moments for inning program and affinity