I am basically new to MLB the show but I totally love it I did not even know that they had a league on here I will have to figure out Maybe I will read more of these messages by going on YouTube I have learned so much that I did not know at all but But when I do I want to join a league for sure

I am having the same issue and whenever I play somebody it just shows their team name and mine is a blink I'm not sure if anything is totally on my end It also shows my team the padres but behind it is I'm not sure what is going on makes me feel like the account is hacked
@ukas_psn said in Ballplayer Conflict:
Doesn't fix anything. That's just an RTTS cloud save for other platforms.
I also have this issue, I am not sure which one to press should I press keep server data rudata or keep local data but on my local data on this 1 I don't even have a picture of a player I also have it happening to me on MLB21 the show I know it is something I am doing I just have to figure out what but I want my players to progress and just makes me feel like my game is hacked after a while
League beginning today, our 8th season
Not getting any progress in my programs
Ballplayer Conflict