I duno what you’s did but i haven’t been able to score after new Patch..Hitting has been Nerfed I haven’t t seen so many Perfect Perfect outs and warning track fly outs.PCI dead on ball and good feedback but still nothing. Not very rewarding.. I Literally went to the 13 inning 0-0 then Lost…please FiX… makes me not even want to play the game anymore

Dude get a Life instead of worrying about insignificant stuff in a Video gm like plz nobody cares and it’s not that serious if it’s that offensive to you then don’t play it.. you def were prob a little tattle tale teller as a kid that ran to mommy and the teacher for every minuscule thing..LoL
Players in outfield running 20 mph and into the wall is not realistic it’s like an invisible force field. in real life when a fielder tracks a ball down going top speed into a wall he will crash into it and the impact can be seen and/or he will try to avoid completely running into it and slow down last second like that’s just the Laws of gravity…in the game it’s like the wall isn’t even there and he just catching it with no set of difficulty. where’s the players running into wall and getting knocked out and possibly dropping the ball? it’s just ridiculous how the players physics are in this game SMH
I know how to check your stats EVERYONE when you got to top left corner on your name/Profile then goto to Leaderboards goto online rated then press Square for friends now go to your name and press view universal profile it will the display all your stats from each year to year
@seminole22_PSN Your TV might not be on Game Mode cause I know when it’s not on game mode for me the meter goes much faster and harder to hit I have LG OLED HDR if it’s not that then I duno I haven’t noticed it being faster to pitch with Meter after Patch just contact hitting is more Nerfed
Really nobody talking about Online Franchise? They better implement this back into the game Custom Lgs is Boring
How can they not listen to us!!? This has been like the number one wishlist along with SOTS and few others ..it’s a travesty they even removed it to begin with after 17 so they could focus more on monetary BS SMH
We better have ONLINE FRANCHISE!!!! for this years game! We’ve been requesting this for the last 4 years! …Custom League’s is boring! How hard can it be to implement this back into the game???
SDS you broke the Game
Sds could care less about offensive team names and logos
SDS the players fielding the ball at wall is unrealistic
Online Rated Leaderboard Reset?!
Was there a pitching/hitting patch or something?
22 Early Features
MLB 22 Online Franchise
MLB 22 Online Franchise