As a disabled veteran myself I can sympathize with you my guy. But, the reason you aren’t getting help is because
- The show 22’s life cycle is dead and that is why the game was free for you.
- You throw your disability out there as a way to coerce people, who really don’t care about you, to help you.
- This isn’t the military you throwing your credentials around means nothing. Your former rank or what you did means nothing in a video game forum. You weaponizing your disability to get what you want is wrong and probably why no one wants to help you now.
Like I said, I am a disabled veteran as well but I don’t throw it out there to get what I want nor do I throw my former credentials out there as a means to try to get people to respect me. None of my other veteran/disabled veteran buddies I know do or have done what you are doing and we all have been in tough situations and dark places after whatever it was that made us disabled. With all due respect I would strongly suggest you call the helpline or go find some help for you if your situation is making you feel this way. A game forum or a baseball video game should not be making you feel this way and is clearly just the surface of your issue. so from one disabled vet to another, please go get the help you need.