My game is constantly crashing in RTTS the first game loads just fine, but once I get into the second game in a series my game crashes.
Same my game keeps crashing. I was super excited about the equipment fix, but now I'm more bummed about the constant crashing.
Nah the guy below me is like a 78 and I'm a 99. That's pretty smart though to mess around with the rosters before starting haha.
My Durability is a 90 and I still sit 30+ games a season.
I understand the realism of not playing all the games, but I don't understand why I sit out so many games per season in RTTS. There's not even an energy bar or fatigue indicator that provides a reason for the coach making me sit out so many games. I'm playing on the Mariners so it's hard enough making the playoffs, every game I can play will help.
I played on the Xbox One when I first got the game and yes, the frame rate was bad so I upgraded to next gen and it's HUGE difference. The Xbox One at this point is just bad graphics wise compared to the next gen.
Everytime I try to wear two batting gloves, my player only wears one of them.
I won't earn any XP, but I'm thinking about putting the sliders up that would apply the equipment boost. I want to enjoy career more the way it's intended though.
Has anybody found out how to make your equipment boosts show up while playing an RTTS game?
This is baseball!
I have a bunch of equipment on my player and the buff fr it shows up in diamond dynasty but not RTTS. I just want to actually be able to hit a [censored] home run.
Game Update 5 Thread
Constant Freeze then Crash after 1.05 Update
Sitting out too many games
Sitting out too many games
Sitting out too many games
Xbox one frame rate
The game won't let me wear two batting gloves. I don't want to play as Michael Jackson.
So did they fix the equipment issue?
Is there an equipment workaround?
My batting average might be better than the servers connection average
Does anyone else not get an Equipment Buff In-game?