Was 5-0 in BR and played against some who I was about to beat. Down to their last out they decided to run the clock to see if I would quit, when time ran out and I pressed X to say yes to have them forfeit the game, it just reset the clock. I did it again and again and nothing happened besides the clock restarting. So I had to quit and ruin my 5-0 run.

Shells is Daddy_XBL
@Shells is Daddy_XBL
Played a full 9 inning ranked seasons game and got stats with players to go towards parallels and after the game ended just an error notification and didn’t get the win or the stats. Sure this has happened to other people but really annoying
I realized that no matter what game mode I’m playing I’m earning no xp at all. Been grinding showdowns and getting nothing, not even br or ranked seasons will give me anything. I’m not sure how to fix it but it’s making the first inning program impossible
Whenever I play showndown, I’m not earning any xp. Whenever I complete a moment in the showdown it only shows the stubs. I feel like I’m not earning any xp at all my first inning program is only at 6 and I’ve been grinding since release night
Ranked Seasons Game Not Counted
Not Earning XP
Problems Earning XP