What happens to the players you drafted but were unable to sign? Do they become free agents who you can sign in the off season?

Does anyone know how to pause the draft when you are on the clock?
I thought that last year we could pause the clock when you were up to make your selection. When you are picking between 2-3 prospects, it helps to be able to pause the clock.
When you start a franchise, it asks you when you would want to play the game for critical moments. How do you change it after you start a franchise? I set it up to join in the 8th inning but I want to change it to the 9th.
Did people not see this as joke?
Anyone know when the roster update will drop on Friday?
I know 24 is out but I’m still playing 23 RTTS because I’m not ready to drop my Pitcher. I’m having a problem where I can’t save or if I try to simulate forward. I’m getting a “The operation failed (0x80070102) message.
This started after 24 came out. Anyone else having a similar issue?
@x814xmafia Franchise
Do you know at what time? I’ve checked a few times today and no updated roster.
Anyone know when they’ll post the 2024 opening day roster update?
You can trade comp picks in real life. Baltimore traded a pick to the Brewers to get their ace pitcher.
Anyone else having an issue with your RTTS games loading? I can click to start a game where is asks you to play or simulate the game but when I click to play, it doesn’t start. I can move through the options but none of the options work and I can’t back out.
My understanding is that players get 3 option years where they can be optioned up to 5 times. It's frustrating that we only get 3 times total (not even 3 each year) and that them being called up in Spring Training counts as one of the times.
I wish there was a better way to contact SDS about this issue. I'm also having the same problem. I'd be more than happy to upload my RTTS file to the cloud for them to look at. I think they need to know that this isn't a problem impacting a few people but lots of people are having this issue.
Every year, when my 3 year contract is up, my choice of teams to sign with is limited. I understand they want to reward you with "the best" jobs that have the highest payrolls but I'd prefer to have more options. Players might want to take over a lower payroll team for the challenge. Or we might start with a lower payroll team and hope to go to a mid-level team. They only way that happens is if we do "okay" (B grade) and not great with the first team.
I’ve leveled out as a pitcher at 86. I’m playing on an Xbox series X. I’m frustrated because I can’t move higher in the rotation.
When are people getting promoted from AA to AAA and then to the Majors?
Are you able to change your face to a face scan after you create your ball player? I want to start my RTTS but can’t scan my face since the Apple App isn’t updated.
Can we get the option to have a 6 man rotation next year?
It started as the podcast audio playing without the video. Now when the video plays of the podcast, there is no sound. Is this happening to anyone else? I’m playing with the Xbox Series X and it’s full digital (not disc).
Unsigned drafted players
Pausing draft
Change critical moments
New classic stadium for MLBTS 25 confirmed
Time for roster update?
RTTS 23 issue
Opening day roster update?
Opening day roster update?
Opening day roster update?
Trade for draft picks
RTTS game loading issue?
spring training roster control in franchise mode
Pitch attributes not progressing is being worked on.
Yearly wish for Franchise
Pitch Attributes Not Progressing
Face scan
Suggestion for next year
Podcast silent