I just upgraded to a PS5 because of the frame rate issue. Definitely worth it. No lag, and I play better. It did take a few games to get the timing down.

Played a Conquest tonight and it counted.
Same here on PS4. Ticket submitted.
They can be used in exchanges.
I got my pack today, SDS. Thank you!
I had him in 24 hours with 700+ buy orders.
Dispute the charge with your credit card company.
@ComebackLogic said in Thoughts on control:
@scottswann said in Thoughts on control:
Pitching was too easy in previous years IMO. I like the current balance
Would you say that because pitching was too accurate, or simply because hitting wasn’t rewarding your good swings often enough? Because I can live with good hitting input being rewarded, provided my pitching input is rewarded as well. Currently I feel it’s not.
I felt pitching accuracy was too easy. Hitting is a completely different animal
Pitching was too easy in previous years IMO. I like the current balance
Nighthawk doesn't play well with some ISPs. Mine is one of them.
The market will be the same for all platforms.
@DeadPhish1976 said in What do you all do for work in the real world:
@scottswann said in What do you all do for work in the real world:
I drink beer, and I know things.
My good man, is your company hiring?
I drink beer, and I know things.
@Broncs32 said in Dads playing The Show:
I was a younger day (18 when my son was born) and now he's 16. Never gave up gaming. RBI baseball was good but I have fond memories of playing Hardball 3 on my pc. Needless to say my son and I get very competitive on the show.
Hardball started it all for me on Apple IIc!
I bought my own PS4 exclusively for the The Show. My kids were hogging it too much!
I bought my own PS4 exclusively for the The Show. My kids were hogging it too much!
@esmlb_rop said in Mickey Mantle:
It's a matter of getting used to his swing. I started off slow batting like .130 in his first 30 or 40 at bats, then I got comfortable and raised his avg up to .280+
This is how it was for me too. Now he is a beast
This is the first year that I've done it. Been playing since 14.
Agree. I play offline exclusively, so Prestige is a meaningless program for me right now.
I use SS Biggio . Never had an error. I don't play online though
I was in the same boat over the weekend. Put in the $1,000 order and got it within 24 hours. Hello Mantle!
Frame rate issues on the PS4
Missing Progress on PS5
Missing Progress on PS5
June Scouting Report Pack
Extinct common player (Reymin Guduan)
This Game Stole $100 From Me
Thoughts on control
Thoughts on control
Has anyone ever noticed...
How will the market on PS4 be on 21?
What do you all do for work in the real world
What do you all do for work in the real world
Dads playing The Show
Dads playing The Show
Dads playing The Show
Mickey Mantle
Is there anyone that hasn't completed the LS collection?
October is here - time to open up prestige to offline (partially)?
Finding a new catcher
1 Card Away From Mantle...