I see it now, im blind, I haven't played in a couple weeks. Thanks man I appreciate it
Which program was this? I can't seem to find it
Maybe I'm blind, but where do I find this 92 adam wainwright and there is also a lefty Grove that I'm having trouble finding. Thanks
Would like to know this as well, anybody?
Lol woops, thanks
How do you get these socks? Do you have to play retro mode?
Ok thanks a lot man, just wanted to make sure I didn't miss something
The only way to level up your created player in diamond dynasty is through road to the show? There aren't any diamond dynasty missions for your created player?
Is it just me or do the pitch speeds need to be ramped up just a touch. Scared for my life to pitch to almost anyone in this event
Yea they definitely tried to fix it, but they need to find a happy medium here, pitchers get tired really quick
@ericulous1_psn said in Randy Johnson:
@sabre3921_psn said in Randy Johnson:
I saw the legend reveal with him in it, so I must have missed something.
Hahahaha, somebody please post the bird explosion video. If it's PETA allowed.
The real reason people are tripping about Randy is he was revealed in the first trailer for the game along with Ryan Howard. They wiped that video from the their Twitter and website and have pushed every other legend they've revealed except for him. So as of now, there is no trace of him on their sites. I'm pretty new to this game, I've heard a few people say they probably didn't intend to reveal him right away and that they will reintroduce him in the final stream before early release.
SDS cancelled a few players this year , Robbie Alomar for sure. Marcell Ozuna and Trevor Bauer never had a second card after their assault allegations and the big controversy of course was Kirby Puckett who got a collection diamond for the Twins and everybody was pining for his 99 but it never materialized. So there is much speculation that SDS decided to cancel him because of his prior assualt allegations before his death.
Randy to my knowledge has none of these issues other than the dramatic 100 mph pitch that turned an ill timed flying by into dust.
Did I miss anything?
Ok thanks man, was starting to worry he wasn't going to be in the game. I've been waiting for this guy to get back in the show.
I saw the legend reveal with him in it, so I must have missed something.
I know I'm late to the party and I can't seem to find the specific thread that this answer is in, but what exactly is the controversy why randy Johnson may or may not be in this game?
Hopefully they bring it back, its my favorite nameplate
Bump bump
How do you unlock this?
That could be my issue also
Runner on 3rd, less than 2 outs. Do the pitches seem like they come in a little faster or you just can't pick them up as easy as you would in normal situations?
I have got to be one of the worst in those clutch situations, does the clutch attribute come into effect here? Thanks -
Must be it, guess I'm just angry at myself for being terrible at hitting this year, thanks guys
I'm speaking of pci size from the feedback you receive after taking a swing, my pci on hall of fame is just a little larger than the baseball, theirs seems to be almost double that
CAP Active Perks
Ken griffey retro socks
Ken griffey retro socks
Just in case I'm missing something
Just in case I'm missing something
Pitch speed
Pitcher Stamina Fixed!
Randy Johnson
Randy Johnson
Randy Johnson
1980s retro nameplate
1980s retro nameplate
1980s retro nameplate
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