Does anyone use elite controller series 2 for mlb the show 24? Have had a terrible time using it on pinpoint pitching and don't want to have to switch back to wired proa controller. After a lot of trial and error I got the hitting down.

@talesofwyn_PSN said in Walks:
it is one of the RS missions to get 5 walks if you are talking about ranked
same mission in BR
@X-FREEZE-OFF-X_PSN said in This or That:
I need Trout, Betts, DeGrom, Goldschmidt, and one to three low end Diamonds, plus some lower tier cards to complete the LS Collection.
Probably cost me at least 500K.
Other than having the collection completed, plus having Jeter and Sosa (who could be replaced) would you spend that much to finish it
buy Incognito Mantle and Kaiju Harper
Jeter is easily replaced but Sosa (especially bc he is core) is my best RHB and will be way more valuable as better Lefty starters come to the game. Can't think of any other RHB 5 tool players that can do what we can since the mccutch collection in 22
Would sell Harper and buy again about 30K cheaper as more people complete the program. But always a gamble as his price will eventually go back up
His control seems to play a lot worse than his stats. But the main reason you don't see him much is his price just seems to be stuck and won't go down as he was BR reward and don't think you can get him anywhere but Market
Hot take but Murakami has been even better than Chipper for me downside is the game continue to be stacked with 99 LHB 3B and 1B
@lastingimpact_PSN said in "Skill Sets" need to go:
I've been playing MLB The Show since the PS2 days. I've always loved building my character and grinding out his career. A theme I've been noticing over the last few years, though, is that I keep stopping and creating new careers after a year or two because I'm never quite happy with how the character turns out. I can never get the nuance of what I want to build quite right; there's always some kind of sacrifice or "well I guess I just can't do that" that didn't used to exist back in the days of being able to spend training hours on whatever stats you wanted. I guess I'm just failing to see any advantages of the current system over a less restrictive, more customizable attributes system.
The main problem I have is that players I want to create require a spread of attributes to excel that simply isn't attainable within the game. For example, in my head I want a center fielder that is range-y with a professional glove and a rocket arm, and I'm happy to accept being relatively average at the plate as a tradeoff. So to translate this into the game I want high speed, high fielding, high arm strength, medium hitting attributes to be the "end goal" of my build. Speed is locked away behind a secondary archetype by itself so I have to get that from there. Fielding can be the primary archetype, but then my arm strength is abysmal because it's tied to power. Not only that, but all of my hitting attributes are banished to the 40's before gear and require an astronomical amount of training to make serviceable, which also requires me to ignore training the attributes I actually want to excel at.
This dilemma is much worse for two-way players who can only pick one of each attribute group to excel in on each side. The last two-way player I created reached his Diamond skillset at a towering 67 overall. There's also just zero room for customization since all you can do is pick one thing to be good at so your options to make something unique and fun are nonexistent.
A system from another sports franchise I'm reminded of is NBA 2K. Granted 2K's VC and monetization efforts are oppressive and compromise a lot of the gameplay experience, but I've really enjoyed their design philosophy on character customization. I'm imagining a similar world where I can set "caps" on each attribute, and I can keep increasing the caps up to the point where maxing out every single attribute to its set cap would get me to 99 overall. These caps also determine what kind of perks you can acquire (think active perk cards in the current system) and even labels you cosmetically with an archetype name based on the spread you created. I think I'd really enjoy the ability to specify exactly what I'd like the end goal to be for my player, and then spend my time working towards that through something like training points earned from games/practices (that can be granted bonuses through the current in-game goals, even) instead of trying to finagle one of the handful of preset spreads to fake what I want.
I agree completely. Would love to see this
it makes it easier to get picked up but on xbox hold L1 and release the second the pitcher starts motion and if you get used to it you get way better jump
@Mr-ChIcKeN-LeGs_XBL said in Pinpoint Pitching:
How do streamers get perfects every single time. I can do the outline well, but when it comes to pulling my joystick down to the little circle, I cannot be nearly as consistent. Any tips?
Wired power a controller. Makes pinpoint pitching so much easier
The only thing that I know for sure is that pitcher Stamina especially for relievers is super juiced . They throw 80 or so pitches before getting in the yellow
@NWOStunna_PSN said in Mets Live Series:
100k for a 91 overall player that will never be supercharged does suck though.
or get inside edge
I saved up the stubs and got him though I want Sosa
@NWOStunna_PSN said in Mets Live Series:
Those of us that don’t have Diaz can only hope they pull him out of collections. O’Neil Cruz I believe has been, but the Pirates were easy to finish. Also believe Verlander could drop below 90 in next update like Scherzer did. Price could really drop.
I am Verlander, Goldie and Nolan Arrenado away from completing collections. I saved up stubs for Diaz. No way they touch his overall while he is injured and somehow his price only seems to go up. Hope to God some of the ones I need for Sosa and Jeter get downgraded.
if you do this without using the app to filter for dupes you are god tier grinder
@Crimson_Chin7_PSN said in TA grind is unbearable:
This team affinity grind is unreal. 60k points for ONE player from ONE division?????? My god that is insane. If you have the time or sheer will power to 100% all of these divisions then you are much more dedicated than I lol
I agree and guess what we have to do it all over again for TA season 2 on May 12th
There is a glitch where if you start a 2 way CAP in DH and starting pitcher all the equipment points get doubled so this is likely what happened where a guy is Maxed out both ways
@erik316wttn_MLBTS said in Grinding for max ratings:
You're gonna be grinding til the end of time. The attribute leveling system is seriously broken. I bought the game launch week, exclusively play RTTS, have dozens of hours in, and my 2-way player is at a 79 despite all diamond everything.
There was a huge problem with base level attributes not going up. I deleted all my saved files for that player and loaded same CAP into new RTTS the show and it is working now. My 2 way SP is an 81 after one season of playing every game (was a 76 before)
I may have it backwards, but control is size of the PAR (perfect accuracy region) and BB/9 is how far the pitch will land inside or outside of the PAR I believe.
Something I had no idea about until a random reddit comment last week was that the pitcher's velocity attribute does effect timing windows. Righty Righty low and away slider has been my hardest pitch to hit and Achilles heal this year and I am always early or late. I even do custom practice for just that pitch all the time. Now that you mentioned that it would make sense as well as with what I said on why it is so hard to hit. Wonder if the PCI size is smaller if it is a pitchers primary (A button) pitch.
@TheGoaler_PSN said in Weird Question: What color is your PCI?:
Last year, I saw a youtuber, Phatdollaz, I think is his name. He suggested black, not to get ethnic, but it works for me, with about 60% transparency.
2017-2020, I used the default yellow, but tried Cyan up until this year. My placement issues had me fooling around with white but it didn't help, so I went back to black this year.
I figured this is a unique question no one has ever asked.
I know I'm weird, lol.Has the black worked better for you? Could help with contrast of white ball but would be worried about obstructing view. I used Cyan last year and yellow this year.
As far as cards that are free or under 30K, Nolan Ryan has been my second-best starting pitcher and is maybe the most underrated SP in the game. Speed differential from 102+FB to 76mph Circle Change is really hard to time especially on players that play on All Star. The low control and BB/9 take time getting used to and he isn't on the same level facing people 700+ on ranked but he should be in anyone's rotation on any difficulty.
Elite controller series 2 mlb the show settings?
This or That
Looking for a new right fielder
What About Bob (Feller)?!?!
If Season 3 started today, who’s your Wild Card?
"Skill Sets" need to go
Stealing while pitcher is throwing - how?
Pinpoint Pitching
Mets Live Series
Mets Live Series
Check those inventory folks
TA grind is unbearable
how to get your RTTS player to be the best possible
Grinding for max ratings
Pitcher control attributes
PCI size: XS
Weird Question: What color is your PCI?
Best pitchers in the game?