Nevermind. Locked up. Quit. Now my penalty is 6 hours....6 hours of penalization for just wanting to play a game with my bro.....Please SDS, please fix this, remove the penalty for Co-op at least.....Majority of us are just guys (and girls) trying to play the game.

Riggo Ranger860_XBL
but this evening have seen improvements? maybe?
Just passing along that info in case you were not sure.
I think main issue players have is not the freezing. It froze last year and was never fixed. It is the penalty. If a game freezes, you cannot quit, turn off console etc...and get in another game, because they apply a stacking penalty. 10mins, then, 30mins, then 1 hour, then 2 hrs, then never resets and stacks penalty time. Making ranked unplayable as once it freezes you have a wait off. And people would rather stare at a frozen screen for an hour than quit and not be able to play with their friends until tomorrow, due to ridiculous penalty time. If you want to penalize, make it like 10 mind each time, until ALL freeze bugs have been identified and patched.
3 innings in...foul ball....frozen. Same old [censored]. Maybe patch 6? I am afraid to quit as no communication about penalties.....
Seriously. Just quit out of a co-op game as it has been at least two weeks since I did....oh no, 4 hour penalty. Thanks SDS guess will go play another game now. Sad. Fix your F*&()(&^ game! Get rid of co-op penalty. Cant you program that for christ sake?
Poll to those out there that play this mode and freeze up. How many are old gen (PS4, Xbox One) and how many are next gen? Turning off cross play does not work, still freezes. Trying to understand why this is not fixed? I know in Madden 23 they just ignore old gen...Is SDS the same?
When are we either addressing the freeze issue through a communication or addressing it by eliminating the quit penalty? Has to be one or the other. I say eliminate the quit penalty....I say this as I am about 20 minutes into a wait-off in a frozen co-op game.
I have played enough games where there have been times where I got into "chat" back and for and it resyncs, or like you said, keep turning controller on and off again and maybe something happens. But have played this mode so much to know there is no one "fix" to this issue. Sometimes you are just literally stuck in a complete wait off. And since penalties are so egregiously bad, people will wait for eternity before dropping the game...and I get it. The penalties are insane and stupid. Why do they even exist? If a game does not freeze and I am getting reamed, I would just concede. I know kids these days don't do that, but geez - Point being - we should not face any penalty because of a game/programming/server/console conflict issue. They should just eliminate the penalty.
Note, this is after you patched the game. Patch is not working. Take out the penalty until quality control confirms there are no freeze issues. Just because it reaches a freeze percentage you find "acceptable" does not mean it meets the playing communities definition of acceptable.
Okay.....This is next level programming stupidity. I have not quit out of a game in over week, my brother and I play co-op, its fun, its what we like to play.....inevitably the game freezes up, always, its guaranteed. We try and wait out the other players, the other players try and wait us out....Why? because SDS in their wisdom hands out escalating penalties for dropping out of their frozen game. Nobody wants to drop, but we can't sit there for an hour waiting for the game to drop or whatever. So latest long freeze I say to myself, "well its been over a week since I quit the game to try and play another, penalty has to reset right???" Nope 4HR PENALTY! Ridiculous! You are penalizing people for wanting to play your game. Eliminate the penalty until you fix your game, whether its old Gen or Next does not matter. We spent a lot of money for a functioning product. If its broken, and you can't correct it, then eliminate the penalty. Please, its all we ask.
Two hours penalty for HAVING to quit the screen because YOUR game you programmed locks up! Come on! Fix this, that is ridiculous. Once it locks up its a wait off....for eternity - someone has to move on with their lives - Fix your game
I like the game. Only change I would makes is everyone has to use same hitting. 100% zone hitting, nothing else.
Seems to meet the criteria. Hopefully give him 100+ power
mid game, or anytime in the game, lockups - why? nothing happens, game just locks up and nobody can do anything? then becomes a waiting freeze off - fix that please - totally random lockups
Anything you can do about quits and dashboard drops? the lockups on one player quitting should not punish the other player or the other team with a complete freezeout
Got them
115 CR
110 CL
109 PR
81 PL
71 VS
49 DC
84 CLT
35 BNT
81 FLD
89 ARM
82 ACC
52 SPD -
Many thanks
its the servers. main issues are friday and saturday night prime times. Do get games in. But prime times are a nightmare
We were playing games last week, now since patch 10-12 tries and can't matchup and one sees lineup screen and the other doesnt? just boots after. Is it our locations Virginia/Boston - too far apart? wtf gives? patch broke it worse for us....Thanks
SDS, Just FYI. It's still broken
SDS, Just FYI. It's still broken
SDS, Just FYI. It's still broken
Hey sds, your game doesn't work!
Patch 5 - Still broken
Cooldown penalty
Ok...3rd game update in and Co-Op still same
Ok...3rd game update in and Co-Op still same
I get the lockups, but the penalties! You have got to be kidding!
I get the lockups, but the penalties! You have got to be kidding!
I get the lockups, but the penalties! You have got to be kidding!
I get the lockups, but the penalties! You have got to be kidding!
How to fix The Show gameplay and make it the best Baseball game ever!
Stan Musial the 2nd boss?
Only gripe....
SDS, good improvements, but....
Could someone post Devers attribute numbers?
Could someone post Devers attribute numbers?
SDS, we need info on co-op please
Not fixed - now seems least for us