@x-814-x-MAFIA-x_PSN It was a series of small amounts of time. 10 seconds off for a personal call but kept playing, paused for a pitching match up, a couple more quick adjustments and boom. This was over 2 innings with no added time. Again, the main gripe is the forfeit. I don't mind running out of time, but being actively in the game and forfeiting like that is a shame.

@GoozeFn_PSN I agree timer wise - forfeiting while I'm actively in game is the issue
@BLAISEBLAISE_PSN Oddly enough this was over 2 innings and it didn't reset fully. I'm active in game making adjustments, auto-forfeit is bleh
Fair strategy. Just always throws me off when it doesn't reset and I'm too deep into playing manager.
@ace_hardlight28_PSN honestly, ground ball base hit to right field is my #1 issue LOL
Please please please extend the timer in game. I'm editing my defensive positioning and getting forfeited mid-game which is ridiculous. I understand lowering it in general, but in no way shape or form should someone get forfeited while actively making in-game adjustments. PLEASE
Pause Timer in Ranked Games
Pause Timer in Ranked Games
Pause Timer in Ranked Games
Pause Timer in Ranked Games
my complaints about mlb 25 the show so far
Pause Timer in Ranked Games