Just save up 4,500 stubs and buy three packs. Boom.
Uhhh I just went into my 840 game... gave up five runs using Madbum for the first time in 5 innings.
That game ended in inning 7 with me screaming “F!!!” and dash boarding.
I’m 40. I try not to get frustrated with it but when you get knocked around and can’t do anything yourself at the dish, it’s awful.
Man, this happened to me a LOT in RS last night.
I threw my controller (at the couch) because I'm mature.
I'm 40.
Big Mac or Barry Bonds.
Or Mark Bellhorn, the Chase for the Mendoza line.
Just made someone rage quit in inning 3!
I’m back!
So how does it make me feel?
Here’s a wild a$$ idea, fix the connection issues, fielding, and hitting for online play.
If he left Snell in and he gave up a two run bomb, it’s that conversation. No win situation for Cash. At the end of the day, The Rays didn’t have the firepower to win this series.
Picking up the ball is a huge feature. I think we can all agree it’s almost a must have for our fielders.
@jcassaro44 said in Any reviews on Joakin Soria Prime?:
Should’ve been prime Johnny Venters.
Another excellent review.
Thanks, guys.
Seriously. I imagine you two bunt dancing and HR replaying into the sunset together
SDS could just allow you to buy any common for 1K.
I’m still using ole Jack Burton at C.
Just put a $150 live line on the cheaters to win $925.
No way I am that lucky. Their fate is sealed. You're welcome, baseball fans.
@nflman2033 said in Keith Herandez:
Best I can tell you is power swing, but I did all the missions including online and exchange, just so I didnt have to do all the moments
This is my strategy with all the moments with shite cards. Power swing, get your extra base hit in the first AB or quit and start over.
Yep, first try here for me.
@mitchhammond24 said in How does this game affect people?:
It makes me hate myself sometimes : (
Don’t let the game control your emotions like that. As you get older and more mature, you’ll learn to hate yourself at all times.
I feel like they changed hitting. I was scoring 3-6 runs per game and now it’s 2-1 and 1-0 games. Snoozefests.
@Kovz88 said in SS Rivera:
Just a friendly reminder that with free BR entries you can probably prestige Rivera before even unlocking him if thats who you plan on picking. That is all.
Thanks for being helpful. I didn’t know you could do prestige stats before unlocking the cards!
Ted Williams.
Rollie Fingers is still pretty [censored] solid for me even this far along in the game.
I'm three cards away from finishing Collections
How does this game affect people?
How does this game affect people?
Crazy ideas for MLB the show 21.
Dodgers WS MVP: Kevin Cash
1.09 Patch Discussion
Any reviews on Joakin Soria Prime?
PSA—Please Sell Your Extra AJ Ramos!
Caps phased out?
Astros Lose Guaranteed
Keith Herandez
Easiest. Showdown. Ever.
How does this game affect people?
Hitting slump
SS Rivera
Players with quick swing
Budget BullPen