Got a 90 overall no money spent grind squad but I just find myself unfulfilled playing this years game when I've been playing since mlb the show probably 2010 when I was 8 years old. I just feel like its even harder to hit this year and everything is much more random than years past and years past has been bad too. I just don't have fun playing anymore. There's no way to team up with your friends against other people like there is on 2k or madden so I've just moved over to modern warfare. Not even here to say I hate the game and it sucks so bad but I just don't have fun and I don't feel like I would unless I had every card in the game by spending tons of money or way too much time playing the game which I feel like I already do. Anyone else feel the same this year?
Just experienced my worst lock on error yet. Championship series game in the 12th tied 1-1 (right after I hit a good good ball to the wall with tatis that would've ended the game if it left), sinking liner to ketel marte in right to end the inning and he doesnt lock on, ball rolls to the wall and its 3-1 and I end up losing. Just completely demoralizing. Not even where I wanna break a controller its more just depressing. Invest so much time into a game just to fail you over something you cannot control. Should I even mention I went 0-4 on perfect perfects.
Mejia never gonna be good sorry to say. I think our future stars will be wasted on a Chris paddack card that I will never use in ranked
Had a bug happen to me twice where my created player would reset to Joe random with no warning and id have to redo all equipment, player motions, and physical appearance on him. Kinda annoying, submitted this to bug reports as well. Wondering if this has happened to anyone else?
@ImDFC said in Perfect perfectc:
I see you haven't gotten a perfect perfect with Jackie Robinson yet. Nice 200 foot fly ball right there
This mission is [censored]. That’s it. That’s the post
My god I don’t know what it is about hall of fame but it’s the most frustrated I’ve ever been before. I swear every single game I can’t square a ball up I mean I made it to championship series I’m not that awful at the game maybe it’s bc I play on a tv I have a monitor on the way to try and help but my god I cannot see the baseball on this difficulty. I just played a game and got one hit off GOLD severino. Mf just spammed high 100 mph fastball w an occasional off speed and just continued to abuse the broken timing with each pitch. Not to mention he got all of his runs on early swings and ok contact result. It’s at a point where it’s not even fun to play at this difficulty it’s just a sweatfest. Whoever hits the most homeruns wins basically. I just can’t do it anymore. I don’t like complaining about the game but it’s just so bad this year when it comes to having fun. Just whatever makes SDS money I guess
Anyone know what to do to get the packs? I already linked my twitch drops and the last 2 streams I haven’t gotten anything. Tried typing the keywords or watching for 15 minutes but nope no packs
Between ketel marte who I can’t hit to save my life with or FOTF buxton. Just got to championship series who’s my best bet. Or is it another guy like betts? Just need solid defense w good vision. (Buxtons speed and fielding make up for the bat)
Outfield pitching view with classic on for the ball trail made huge differences to my ERA
He’s a beast hitting over .400 with him and he still hits no doubt bombs off rightys. Great defense too
Haven't been swinging well with Acuna on hall of fame seems like I can't square a ball up with him. Im either looking at FOTF Buxton, Ketel Marte, or throw a right fielder in center. Anyone who plays on Hall of fame ranked, who rakes for you in center, I already have that soto and Gallo tho. Any reviews of the guys I mentioned would help me a lot
I’ve been borderline WS and mostly CS in the last few years but I can’t get past 700 this year. Always been no money spent but I still have a really good mostly diamond team and normally I’m decent. But jeez this year I got the home run and bloop shot bug. Everybody I play it feels like takes every pitch near the zone for a ball and hammers every off speed i throw for a home run or they get a terrible swing and find a hole. It also feels like every hard hit ball i get is an out not to mention I get 8-10 good/ok swings to the wall a game. I’m not here to say the game is bad or anything or that I hate the game it’s just like what am I missing. I’m at a point where I’m giving up 6 or 7 home runs in ranked games. I’ll battle and make it a game but I can’t win giving up so many bombs. I just don’t know what to do at this point. The only way I get guys out is spamming up and in fastball and I hate to play like that but all these kids do is sit off speed low.
Is that Nolan Ryan worth it on hall of fame? I’ll use both him and verlander but does anyone know if verlander is batting practice like he was last year or if Nolan is worth the stubs. I probably won’t use any of the diamond position players but if Ryan and verlander are both legit from rating 700+ then it’s a good investment for me.
I beat it on the first try. I’ve gotten a bit of luck in my showdown runs but what helps me a lot is just taking a lot of pitches it just seems like more home runs are hit deeper in ABs and walks get you easy baserunners
@DirtySixThirty91 said in CAP pitcher:
Interesting question. Past years games no one would dare to make a SP CAP. And to answer your question, right now pitching control is broken so it wouldn’t make sense to have a control pitcher. My Greg Maddox on perfect pitches he hangs meatballs over the plate so as of right now I’d go velocity
Thanks man
I’m torn between the velo focus or control focus on my 88 CAP starting pitcher. Anyone know which one is the best for the Meta this year i haven’t played much online so far.
Decided to stop playing
Fielding, fielding, fielding
My opinion on the future stars with predictions...
Created player reset
Perfect perfectc
Robinson 2 HRS
Twitch drops
Center fielder
Center fielder
General Pitching
99 posey
New CF
State of the game
Astros collection
Showdown 1st Inning
CAP pitcher
CAP pitcher