I don’t know

The contact was so bad at I think it was 60? Then it didn’t help with Luke Voit contact like 55 lololol
but I've never been so late... this contact is killing me
Are you serious? It says rookie and I've been having a heck of a time even making contact vs Hendricks.
All the other moments were easy.....
Imma sound like a brat but I pulled Trout!
I got pretty lucky and did it on my first time. Don't move the PCI and wait for your pitch. Smack smack!
Yeah I would say I'm a very average/below average player and I constantly get murdered lol. Oh well......
Got Tatis. Was a pleasant surprise because I was expecting Vladdy....
I pulled one of my Trouts from a headliner.
<———— Let’s go Cards!
maybe in 2021....
I’ve contacted Sony about this twice now this year and no resolution ...
I’ve played the show online with the same PSN since 2013 and for my online totals 2018 and 2019 are showing 0’s across the board.
Every other year has my stats. What’s going on with that? Anyone else with that issue?
Go cards!
I dunno. I’ve been playing Musial over Walker. His swing has been butter for me and getting good results.
1-0. Prestige Orel was a beast!scored in the second inning and that’s it. Gagne with the save!
Congrats man.
good for you!! What a great feeling!
Oh no I know it’s not his fault. It’s the situation. It’s like someone who keeps winning the lottery and bragging to someone who has to use food stamps. I’m seeking professional help here by posting! HELP
Ok. I must. I must finally say something. My good friend and I both play this game. However he has now pulled 7 Arenados, 2 trouts, 2 Coles, ect. His luck has been UNREAL this year. He’s always pulling high value diamonds out of regular packs and affinity packs. My luck has been the exact opposite. I want to be happy for him but at this point I want to punch in his face. Has anyone else experienced this? It’s unreal.
I just don’t get it. I know I’m just complaining and being a brat but I had to get it off my chest because imma bout to explode. -
If it says they have a diamond rating for fielding how come he shows a gold(Buster Posey) for example in the field?
Oh jeez. This COVID-19 has got my brain all fried. I’m thinking it’s not Wednesday. Good lord. Thanks all!
I thought the may POTM was dropping?
Don’t seeeee it. What up??
Silver Sean Rodriguez is back!!!!
Stanton moment
Stanton moment
Stanton moment
Flash Sale discussion
Posey vs Mathewson
Bad luck?
90+ Diamond card, who’d ya pull?
Headliner Packs…
Who is your favorite team?
Universal Profile not showing stats for 18-19
Post your scores of your Ruth 9 inning HOF game
Pulls rigged?
Pulls rigged?
Pulls rigged?
How are fielding ratings calculated?
Content drop yet?
Content drop yet?
Content drop yet?