They don't care let's face it the first fix had to do with community market and the additional money spent post launch. They don't care that we the players the ones who pre-order there game and play last year's right up to the launch of the new one are sitting here angry. I paid for the deluxe jackie robinson addition for RTTS specifically even though I could not bring my old character that I have had for over 4years with me. I was still excited but the fact that the mode I love is broken and the devs can even be bothered to fix it is disheartening servers are constantly down. San Diego studios the new EA! #Mbl2077 good job way to ruin a great game
@moosealbany_psn said in RTTS "Break list":
I've been fairly active on this forum the past couple days. Thought it might be beneficial to put together a separate post as to what things are wrong with RTTS right now that we know of. This is not meant to be a whine post but rather an attempt to list out all of the things which appear egregiously wrong with RTTS as it stands one day after release day.
Hopefully someone from SDS is at least looking at this (easy to notice from the "Dev Tracker" that they appear to be mostly concentrating on DD and marketplace issues).
So, these are the things we know require improvement and/or possible redesign by SDS:
Program Progression is largely not working/intermittent at best. This is crippling to the RTTS mode as progressing your character is largely based on the new game design and requires acquiring better "perk" objects (e.g. - the "gold" Power 1 gives +7 POW at the cost of -4 CON and -5 VIS, whereas the "bronze" Power 1 only gives +4 POW at the same cost). Those "perks" are quite difficult (impossible really) to acquire playing RTTS at this time;
New character creation is poorly thought out and executed. Areas of pain identified by players include (1) disdain for having to be a 2-way player out the gate; (2) inability to have control over your own secondary position; (3) inability to create a knuckleball pitcher (hey SDS - ever hear of a guy named Phil Niekro? Baseball Hall of Fame? Ring any bells?); (4) inability to create a catcher (I haven't validated this myself - but seriously??);
Items which are equipped as part of the RTTS "loadout" do not appear to have any impact at all upon OVR or upon performance in the field - thus appear to be strictly cosmetic. Which seems like robbery to be frank - those items have a value measured in CAPS, CAPS have a dollar value because Sony sells them to us for dollars. Part of the incentive to buy upgraded versions (e.g. the Jackie Robinson version) was the inclusion of items and caps. Yet the items don't actually do anything other than look pretty??;
Check swings went from being fairly reliable in past versions to basically impossible in 2021. RTTS is supposed to be a simulation and check swings are definitely a big part of baseball. If this needed to be nerfed due to DD then frankly that's fine but at least allow RTTS players to check their swing on pitches as previous versions of the title have. And btw - did SDS consider the impact of this change on being able to raise plate discipline? Because the way it is now, you can only raise that attribute through training and not on the field performance.
Player progression through training opportunities appears painfully slow. This compounds the issue with Program Progression not working because in the absence of both, how the heck are we supposed to be able to advance our players to be able to achieve any success at the MLB level (presuming that doing so is our actual eventual goal).
Players who use multiple "loadouts" report that picking which one they are using before the game does not work as designed.
The assertion, previously made by SDS employees Tony and Nick on the blog post ( that "a RTTS player should feel like they can freely progress by playing RTTS and only RTTS" is at this time (the day after public release) completely false.
Those are the things which I came up with which are known "broken" and seem particularly egregious.
Anyone else care to add?
Mooseedit - made a minor grammatical correction, added that players with multiple loadouts don't always get the right one in each game.
I also noticed that every time I jump on I am having to redo my my appearance as far as how my equipment looks or that I want batting gloves on both hands. also i had individual load-outs with particular equipment for my pitching load out and different equipment for a fielder load out. but when going from game to game in a series and selecting different load outs it doesn't change the equipment
I agree as well this so far is an unmitigated disaster and it sucks I am going to go back to playing mlb20
No it boosted your rtts player last year and it is something that says both dd and rtts it seems like it gives me the boost sometimesbut not always and I can't figure out why it works sometimes but not other times
Look at the dev tracker they are not even talking about rtts mode this is BS
I am pissed cause I actually bought stubs to get all diamond equipment and the boosts are not working so I feel like sds just robbed me
Between bugs and server issues sds may have gotten my last dollars ever. I used to buy madden every year and have not bought it in years now mlb the show just might be next. And it's a shame cause till this year I actually loved this game
If you spent stubs to buy equipment and stubs cost money they are for all essentially robbing you. Please sds fix the equipment glitch and please fix the getting called up glitch too. And why I have to ask a developer to fix their broken product is mind boggling.
Where are the devs?
RTTS "Break list"
MLB The Show 22 RTTS Wishlist
Constant Equipment Issues
RTTS "Break list"
Constant Equipment Issues
Constant Equipment Issues
Equipment buffs still not working