Dontrelle Willis

Fernando is a nice secret weapon. Screwball high for days and Chang up low and in with a few fastballs out the zone. He can dominate even the best hitters
Must be on your end. I’ve had zero issues
Let’s see how this ages in 5 years
Card is ver good. His 102 looks 120
@CDNmoneymaker93_MLBTS said in Also confirmed on SDS' Facebook:
@pootiecat_PSN said in Also confirmed on SDS' Facebook:
@CDNmoneymaker93_MLBTS said in Also confirmed on SDS' Facebook:
The last 2 years have been like this so it's not really a surprise.
To be honest not much is going to change price wise on alot of the big ticket items. Card like Pedro and Bench may drop a bit but they will be so far into the program a good chunk won't bother.
Other cards like the Taskashi series Wagner won't change as those who have him will seel yes but I bet there are alot of player who don't and will hold onto him keep the price higher
This is already not aging well. Wagner is tanking big time
Yet his buy now as of this morning 6:44 am is 924k not sure what your definition of tanking hard is but I don't think that's it
At the time of my post he was 600k. Good observation though.
@CDNmoneymaker93_MLBTS said in Also confirmed on SDS' Facebook:
The last 2 years have been like this so it's not really a surprise.
To be honest not much is going to change price wise on alot of the big ticket items. Card like Pedro and Bench may drop a bit but they will be so far into the program a good chunk won't bother.
Other cards like the Taskashi series Wagner won't change as those who have him will seel yes but I bet there are alot of player who don't and will hold onto him keep the price higher
This is already not aging well. Wagner is tanking big time
Why grind the cards if you won’t use them? Bro just go play some ranked
Everyone needs to calm down and stop getting offended by every little thing. Becoming absolutely ridiculous.
Don’t we already have a 99 mays?
Just hit a nuke with him off degrom. He may be replacing Altuve
He’s been not bad for me so far. Very small sample size
Can you go more in depth on how this protecting works?
Just got the WS rewind pack. I know I’m going Mo with my first pick. I was thinking about grabbing utley or going highest value then sell but at this point I have 2 million stubs and don’t need much. My current 2 bag is Altuve and he’s been a machine.
Just played another WS banner who decided to replay all of his 12 homeruns
It’ll be a different story in ranked bro. Trust me
I’m not very good at the game and I’m currently grinding Randy. I usually sit in the 500s. Lately all I’ve been seeing is World Series banners and guys that smash. It’s very frustrating as I enjoy the games with opponents of my skill level. But because I need the innings I continue to get pounded. I’ve played RS since 17 and I’ve never seen craziness like this.
He will bottom out around 50k
The new twins unis are absolutely disgusting.
BR program takes 2 days. Why is everyone putting in orders
Junk Ballers
Junk Ballers
Server disconnects is getting out of control!!
All Rise
Just got Randy Johnson!
Also confirmed on SDS' Facebook
Also confirmed on SDS' Facebook
Is this another Event where we won't be able to use Randy?
Glad to see Sony policies there TOS as much as SDS.
They done dropping new cards for this year?
Any Utley Reviews?
Any Utley Reviews?
Help with Matchmaking please
Any Utley Reviews?
Why are all these elite WS players playing down?
New Monitor
Why are all these elite WS players playing down?
The $1M question.
Twins New Uniforms
Anyone got an idea of the order number on Trout?