A 125 may as well be a 75 if he can't place pitches despite high numerical ranking.
Can SDS explain within the context of the game what I am failing to do consistently to achieve a desired pitching result
A 125 may as well be a 75 if he can't place pitches despite high numerical ranking.
Can SDS explain within the context of the game what I am failing to do consistently to achieve a desired pitching result
If you've been on this garbage train since 2018, you KNEW the 1st major patch would wreck things.
It happens EVERY YEAR!
Wake Up Folks! This is all we have, and SDS has proven profit from this Card Collecting simulator is the ONLY thing that matters.
What's the current excuse going around that you guys are deluding yourselves with?
New Blood Diamond Tier Rating systems(like Madden and 2K)
More modes that require in game currency that won't allow you to compete fairly
Network issues worst in the last 5-7 years
Not to mention the endless complaints seen about fielding, base running, and the never fixed hitting
Who's ready to Pre Order '21?
People sell it at whatever price theyd like since its their card
@jellingwood said in At this point there is no need to play literally can predict outcomes of Games!! This is the worst gameplay out there!!! Such a shame because decent content.:
No way I’m just done !! It would be nice to just play someone and either win or lose on your own skill level but the rng that they have created is unplayable!! I know they don’t care about the quality of their product. No way they care !!
Pal you're smarter than 95% of this board and the subreddit too
These folks droooool over content and refuse to admit the game is rigged.
Why? To manipulate more real $$$ from you and your children.
But hey its not Madden!!
You see how stupid that thinking is. Now imagine playing this every year believing its getting better.
Its all a con
@BIGHOOV2713 said in Well At Least SDS Doesn't..:
I usually don’t complain (usually just about my horrid pack luck) or defend them, but I have to comment on this post.
- the ability to make “base” cards a little better just by playing the game and gathering stats seems cool (like rookie to prime some years ago-or evolution this year)
- playing a mode that requires in-game currency that we can earn by just playing, and with any skill at all, we can earn back the entry fee as well as vouchers used for getting better cards? Your shiny tinfoil hat is showing here, Poopsy.
- I haven’t had any network issues-some would say you need to stop using Burger King’s internet.
- And not to mention, there are some people that just like to complain. This has been a constant complaint in these forums for years.
If it isn’t fun for you, find another game. And don’t think of sending the “but I love baseball so much” or “if we don’t bring up the issues, they will never fix them” responses. If you really, truly loved baseball, you would make the adjustments and enjoy it for what it is intended, entertainment. And I’m sure, since the devs brought up many of these issues in the dev tourney and many of the MLBers brought up the issues (again) in the players tourney, the complaints made daily on this forum are just worthless fodder. They know. The horse is dead. How about we let it Rest In Peace?
Maybe instead of your passive-aggressive thread, you could create a thread that provides solutions? How do you like the percentage completion on the TA programs? That was my idea back in March on this very forum.
Give it a shot, a positive attitude is more powerful than a trip to negativetown.
Lmao folks like you are always entertaining, ones that like to pretend they have a clue
Thanks for the laughs bud
I'd love honest responses..
I can't see how anyone who plays regularly can say its enjoyable. The gameplay is so poor, even for the Show
Every basic aspect of the game is majorly flawed and its so obvious its truly shameful
How dumb is this game?
So dumb you don't even need the player in the program for the program
So now I get to waste my stubs, or Dollars, to compete against the same type of ridiculous moments that were free last year?
I'm not surprised at all, almost in awe of the new ways greedy SDS can fork over the fans each year.
@joshjays44 said in Knuckleballer Ryan Feierabend:
@THE_Tomdawg69er said in Knuckleballer Ryan Feierabend:
@joshjays44 said in Knuckleballer Ryan Feierabend:
@THE_Tomdawg69er said in Knuckleballer Ryan Feierabend:
@joshjays44 said in Knuckleballer Ryan Feierabend:
@THE_Tomdawg69er said in Knuckleballer Ryan Feierabend:
@LankyRyan said in Knuckleballer Ryan Feierabend:
@joshjays44 said in Knuckleballer Ryan Feierabend:
He's a Blue Jay and I play Franchise with The Jays so I'm totally fine with this
Go Jays go!!!
You know only casuals use him though, right?
And noobs. Especially noobs
Always noobs! If it wasn't for noobs there wouldn't be an option to auto field or auto run the bases, you know the basics of playing?. A pure noob in The Show 25 would be from him/her to just install the game and they win.
You can auto run bases? What?
Yes you can auto run in this game, yep....I thought it was a joke but its an actual thing that;s an option for noobs.
Lol why would anyone use that.
Because they are N____. Fill in the blanks.
I've seen that South Park episode, you're not tricking me!
Accidentally hit buy now..
Should I just go and off myself at this point?
@DeadPhish1976 said in Question for those that use Pulse Pitching:
I use pulse as well. Maybe I'm doing something wrong but I don't hold and release any button. I just tap X when the pulsating circle is at it's smallest point.
Yeah i did that too and was givin up lotta meatballs
After the smallest point i hold it and wait until the pitcher im using is at his most velocity then i release
When do you generally try to release?
I used to just tap the button and would get a perfect input while sailing many over the plate
Recently I started holding the button and releasing with the pitchers momentum. I've noticed many more pitches closer to their spot
Just wanted to post my findings
The world that SDS created within the show allows the fans to eat and eat without actually eating...
This is because the fans are so wealthy they merely buy food for its looks. They're wealthy because they have won the lottery multiple times due to the amazing odds that exist in this strange world.
Sports like baseball have become perverted entertainment where the population goes to watch players suffer under drastically different odds. Good and perfect after good and perfect going right to the fielders gloves as the players become more and more apathetic to the game because the odds are always defied against their favor.
The people just sit back and laugh as baseball dies