I pulled two national league right fielders in a 20 bundle today both Harper

I pulled TY Cobb, got pissed off and ripped a 20 bundle and first pack had Mike Trout! I’m glad that flash sale put me on tilt lol.
I’m an Os fan my self and wish this card was better. I would love to have a Machado on my team.
Us Os fans get shafted.
Jim Palmer is underwhelming
Machado is overpriced and underwhelming
Cal Ripken’s swing is horrible
The only decent card we get is schope, but that’s only good in BR and Showdown...Ugg
@Boneman05 said in Next friday7/28:
@CDNMoneyMaker93 said in Next friday7/28:
In MLB 19 there is what has been termed the Honus collection which was basically a massive collection for the differnt legend and flashback series. Once you collected a huge amount of each series including I think was 50 Sig series and 80 All Star cards for example you got a 99 Honus Wager
The tease for 7/28 most assume is hinting on the legends and flashbacks collection getting it's big reward revealed and what is needed to unlock will then be known
It was actually 60 out of 160 sig.
Was there tier collections leading up to the Wagner? Like collect 10 get stubs and xp, collect 20 get whatever and so forth up to the Wagner?
Well, I was dead wrong about getting Trout in a pack
I lost 5k from the Flash Sale pack
97 Manny Machado...anyone use him? Thoughts?
Next friday7/28