You can’t fault people for trying to catch up when everyone else is running an exploit. As for “10 days after the start”, some people do that organically. I do all conquests, then go RTTS to make stubs. I did this without knowing about the exploit, but saw all my equipment tank, so I knew something was up. Hopefully they can patch it

Parallel XP: Hitters scale far too slowly, when compared to pitchers. Plate appearances should have a base value of 15 or even 20. Walks and singles should earn 10, doubles 20 (not 15), triples and HRs 30 (not 20).
A much larger issue is difficulty scaling of PXP. Upping the difficulty results in such a small bonus, that it makes no sense to grind anything above rookie or veteran for PXP. A more appropriate scale would be R: 1 ; V: 1.25 ; AS: 1.5 ; HOF: 1.65 ; L: 2X
Being that legend is MUCH more difficult than Rookie, doubling PXP seems fair. This would incentivize people playing on higher difficulties. It shouldn’t require 70-80HRs on legend to hit P5.
I honestly feel like I have to play on Rookie or Veteran because it’s so hard to hit PXP goals above these.
Could we also get some clarification on HR/9? The stat still exists but most people agree it’s only a sim stat, so why include it in DD when there aren’t sim games?
(Also, a buff to Live Series Cards would be nice. They are now just collection fodder, and current Acuna isn't 2 points worse than prime George Brett)
Great job this year. Looking forward to ‘24. We appreciate the work you guys do.
I’ve never tried to equip stance socks on my team. I wear custom Uniforms for both Home and Away games. I’ve never equipped them to my CAP. Recently, an old problem popped up again. After purchasing the Jackie $5 bundle, the socks keep appearing on my team. Sometimes half the team will wear them, sometimes everyone. I have done the following:
- Team customize equipment, remove equipment
- Go to my Ballplayer, remove socks (even though I never equipped them). Have made sure to do this with every slot of my Ballplayer
- Uniform creator, change color of socks, then back to intended. This one tends to work most often, but doesn’t last more than a few games.
Varying results for all three, and even if the stance socks arent equipped for a few games, eventually they show up on the squad again. It happens sometimes in between games, and I notice it more frequently when I restart the game or remain idle for a while. It seems like a minor annoyance, but I have spent many hours crafting my Uniforms, only to have random grey socks show up every few games. (xbox series X) Anything you can do would be appreciated. Cheers.
Geoff Humboldt
PewPewGGBud - (Online ID for xbox series X) -
Not to mention the nonsensical notion of having baserunning commands tied to the servers. I have to wait to make sure the runner is selected before telling them where to go. By that time, the play has already developed. Why aren’t baserunning commands localized on the console? That’s just laziness. I heard so much about how this game is such a better experience than Madden.
I’ve put in over 300 hrs and can’t for the life of me reconcile how quick pitching in online play prevents you from making substitutions, or how leaning back toward the base doesn’t work online while leading off. The only explanation is that the money is in selling packs. Pure and simple. All sport games are doomed. No competition or incentive to improve gameplay. Exclusive licensing ensures that we won’t get another truly great sports game in my lifetime. -
I am having an issue (twice now in BR) where I’m pressing start over and over as my pitcher comes to the plate to make a sub, and OP quick pitches for a free strike. I’ve tried holding RT and dpad down as well. It cost me both those games. Why is there no option to pause during walk ups?!?
Equipment exploit
Parallel XP
Stance Socks won’t unequip
How is one supposed to enjoy this game online.
Small Gripe on Quick Pitching in Online Play