I was in the middle of opening a 42 affinity pack and picking a card, then the menu lagged and i got a server error. When I was able to get back in i had a duplicate of Ke'Byran Hayes when all I need is Jack Flaherty to complete the collection. I literally have 41/42 cards in the collection and I can't get jackie because of that.

Still Crashes
It really angers me cause I spend a lot of time making my logos, mainly Pokemon logos. I put a lot of effort into making them and then you see these vulgar no effort logos. Just pisses me off.
i wouldn't count on any changes to custom leagues. probably going to just be copy paste from last year.
2 of the same 42 player’s
Game Crashes When Picking a BullPen Pitcher
LOGO Vault
Custom Leagues in 23