Last Friday I was told that the team was aware of an accidental ban on my account. This was after many emails SDS sent to me saying that the decision was final. Except, they were actually able to change their mind once I could provide proof. Last Friday they said they could resolve it. Been waiting almost a week with no word on my follow up emails. Please help

Pain…nothing but pain to see a 364 day ban for “cheating”. Never have I bought illegal stubs or cheated. Then after days I get told it’s for quite “harassment”. I was dumbstruck considering I always just quit if I’m playing a troll, but apparently the one single troll that I’ve messaged on this game, got me banned a year for harassment, when all I did was call out his racist created player name. That same troll then had his friends message me mid game, so please when was this dude ever a victim of harassment San Diego? This post deserves attention because this is such a weird ban and should scare a lot of people just how easy it is. I also believe that they’ve blocked my email.
They said they would help me…
Another wrongful ban…