Just played it like 3 or 4 more times and it’s the same inconsistency and plain insanity as before. Great hits going nowhere. The pitching is ridiculous. Double plays from contact that defies physics. I have to be done now. No one will ever convince me that I’m wrong about my OP.

I think Showdowns are fun. Maybe the most fun out of the challenges. But this one just feels like somethings up. That’s all. I finished all the other ones on the first try.
I now firmly believe that the development of this game takes one thing for each user and makes it unreasonably and inexplicably hard at random. I usually run right through showdowns on the first try. And they’re not even close. This showdown, I have attempted 8 times now and each time, it’s obnoxiously clear that it’s not the same programming. It’s so beyond frustrating that I am completely done with the game now. This isn’t a whiney complaint post. I just want to know if anybody else thinks there might be any validation to my logic here? It’s completely inexplicable and when you’re the user, it doesn’t feel like a challenge. It feels like playing against a loaded deck. And I’m done with it.
Is it just me or did that showdown completely change and is now utterly impossible? I beat it several times before season 2 arrived. I’m seasoned and usually beat them every attempt. These ones now feel completely adjusted against the user. Anyone else see that?
Does this one feel more difficult than the others? I usually run rough shot right through all the showdowns in this game. One and done’s. But this one just doesn’t land. Great hits go for outs and the pitchers are straight painting. Anyone else?
Conquest on Rookie. Biggest fraud SDS has programmed yet. You can’t grind on it at all. I could tell you stories of how laughable it is. But I’m sure you all have your own. I say every year that this will be my last buying this garbage. Maybe this year, it will stick.
Vasquez. Clemente Program. Dude has 110 Power vs LHP. 3 perfect smashes. 3 died at the warning track. 3 not only died, but we’re caught like lazy fly balls. Devs, take your parlor tricks elsewhere!!! I preordered Spider-Man, see! You’ll fool me NO MORE.
The bull the devs pull on this mode is enough to delete the game and never buy another one. Competition is fine. But when you’re playing on Rookie to grind stats and it’s clear that the sliders are adjusted and every game, even on rookie, goes into extras with 0-0 or 1-1 scores against garbage clubs, you know the devs are giving you the finger for your time. This game is just getting consistently worse every year. But at least we have 8 versions of the same players over and over again instead of new content players. That’s a plus.
Does anyone else feel more than a little deceived with this program? Like if they knew this was going to be a program and 99 Diamond Sosa and McGwire cards were going to be available for free, they wouldn’t have dumped hundreds of thousands of stubs into live series collections this whole freaking time instead of the other collections? Am I the only one that feels totally ripped off here?
Elias Diaz moment. It’s a waste of time.
@tybud_PSN said in Future Stars Showdown:
After Rodriguez it seemed pretty easy to me, I think all your complaints about Showdowns have made them pretty easy.
I don’t complain about showdowns. Those don’t have a disclosed difficulty level. Conquest on rookie are my complaints. It’s a middle finger to stat grinders.
It’s all fun and games till you get to Grayson Rodriguez. Ye be warned.
Dude. I’ve made this exact type of post. Several times. Like there’s an algorithm that is specifically preventing you from completing the moment or something. And then dudes will comment that they got it on the first pitch of the first attempt and I think they’re full of it. And just now, it happened. Low center-cut slider yard to left center. 1 pitch. So I guess it does happen. However, I still think there’s suspicious programming at play when we’re realistically providing the same input but getting different results.
It’s just nice to know I’m not the only one who’s noticing this. That’s really all I wanted.
Here we are again. What angers me, albeit probably unnecessarily, is that this [censored] is being done and the devs will never admit it. The conquest sliders are completely altered. I’ve been playing for years. I’m legit good. It’s not that it’s hard. But these Rookie games are still ending 1-0 or 2-0. The timing is consistently good, PCI spot on. And the ball goes nowhere. It’s rookie. Rookie. The devs are rigging this so we can’t stat grind. So we all spend more time logged in. That’s the motive. I think all I want is my theory validated. Nothing has to change. But I feel like I’m going nuts with this [censored]. It’s the principle of the matter that’s the most frustrating.
Dominic Fletcher. 6 TB. I’m a seasoned player. I’m not saying it’s too hard. I’m saying it’s not normal. It feels like this is SDS Devs giving me the finger for talking so much [censored] about them. This is not standard programming. It’s the absolutely worst. Yet somehow…I just can’t move on.
Dominic Fletcher. 6 TB. This is SDS Devs giving me the finger for talking so much [censored] about them. This is not standard programming. It’s the absolutely worst. Yet somehow…I just can’t move on.
It’s official now. 6/7 games I’ve played on veteran in conquest have been 1-0 games. Even just now on rookie, 88mph “4SFB” with perfect/perfect on a batter with 107 contact and 95 power…caught on the warning track. Conquest difficulties are 100% adjusted. There is no longer any dispute. SDS has eliminated the grind.
Sorry to the Hairston Nation. Lol. I was more targeting how SDS makes a handful of cards for players who barely had a handful of accolades. Instead of spreading the content, they just keep making dupes of the same player. It’s annoying.
Any chance we can get more Keith Hernandez cards? How about Jerry Hairston Jr? We probably need at least 3 or 4 of those.
S4 AL West Showdown
S4 AL West Showdown
S4 AL West Showdown
S1 C2 Showdown Changed
Season 1 Recap Showdown
DD Fraud
Stuck in a moment… and you can’t get out of it?
Conquest is Such a Joke
Great Race Rage
Stuck in a moment… and you can’t get out of it?
Future Stars Showdown
Future Stars Showdown
Westburg Moment gets...
Conquest Insanity
Conquest Insanity
Dominic Fletcher Topps Now Moment
Stuck in a moment… and you can’t get out of it?
Conquest Garbage/ SDS Banned Grinding
Keith Hernandez
Keith Hernandez