Is anyone else having terrible connection to the servers today? I had to close the app a few times to connect, and I lagged out of a game in the 4th inning. (I have good internet btw)

I think the points just go to waste. I was very dumb and did every single mission before I realized it capped me smh.
So far it says I’m at 25 out of 25 even though I’m at 50. I’m just hoping that when the next set becomes available, the points are given to me
Just completed every moment and mission (except for defeating the CPU on allstar), so I should be at 50 program points, but it says I only have 25 points.
Do I need to wait for the rest of the program to be unlocked for the game to give me the rest of my points? Or are my other 25 points just wasted?
Network Errors
April rewards.
April Monthly Program
April Monthly Program