Wow, you have solution that will fix the problem of group of people not being able to play a large portion of your game and you are waiting 15 hours to deploy? Why would you wait? Deploy it now! This is another example of SDS doing what is convenient for them and not what is best for the customers. I am done. SDS you have given me the worst experience of any video game I have played in long time and you have lost a customer.

Same here
15 f-in packs and 15 f-in golds. SDS has completely lost touch on how to design fun. I would rather have choice pack were I get 95s (which I will never use) that 4 progress towards the program then a 1 in 6 chance of getting something good. Even if you give away these packs like water some people are going to get nothing and it makes for a miserable experience for them. It just drives wedge between the lucky and the unlucky. I am irrationally mad at people that actually have drawn a diamond from these bogus packs.
Update: 19 golds and counting….
Update 2: pulled a diamond on the 22 pack. If I did my math correctly there was a 2% chance that the first diamond would be on pack 22. I am bitter and frustrated.
That is what confused me. Since that out in conquest and mini-season I thought it might be possible. Oh well. Thanks for confirming my hunch.
Just had July Capt Buehler pitch a complete game in conquest (3 innings). No walks or hits 5 Ks. Didn’t get a QS. Does any one know Is it possible to get a quality start in a 3 inning game?
The only “issue” I have had is the Whales have a roster of many ineligible players. At least it isn’t crashing due the ineligible line up.
Dale Murphy
Bob Horner
Ron Gant
Brian Mcann
Andruw Jones- A diamond John Smoltz Relief Pitcher card would be nice. He did have 150 career saves including a 50 save season.
I have the exact opposite experience. In veterans mode 96% of the first two pitches are strikes that on the corners. It kills me in showdowns because I can’t work the count and often hitting with two strikes. I have felt that I am on a SDS naughty list and they are making the game more difficult for me.
Yes I know that last thought is irrational.
If anyone was curious 40 mins and dozens of quit outs and I gave up.
I select as quickly as possible because I thought that might be what is going on.
I know I have good connection because I can run three different teleconference meetings at the same time with no lag.
Let’s face it I have been cursed!!!
I started this thread ten mins into trying to get a game going. It is now been 30 mins of people quitting out on me. Mini seasons in broken, haven’t gotten a new conquest map in two weeks and now this. The universe is telling me to play another game.
I am playing on the switch with cross play off. Fan made stadiums is not the issue.
Okay, why is that so important? Is it that much of advantage to be the home team? Does it saying something about our ranks. My rank sucks so you would like people would fall over themselves to play me.
I wish there was away to choose to be the away team so I can actually play then watch people quit out for 20 mins.
I feel like I am missing something. I get opponent found and then they seem to quit during the pitcher selection screen. I generally have go through that 5 or 6 times before someone actually wants to play. What am I missing that makes them quit. I am not that good too, for most people it would be an easy win.
Servers are down for me
Servers are down for me
1:6 odds for program packs is absolute trash
QS in a 3 inning game?
QS in a 3 inning game?
FFS, Mini Seasons is a MESS
If you could have…
Mlb the ball 23
Why do people quit during the choosing pitcher screen on BR?
Why do people quit during the choosing pitcher screen on BR?
Why do people quit during the choosing pitcher screen on BR?
Why do people quit during the choosing pitcher screen on BR?
Why do people quit during the choosing pitcher screen on BR?
Why do people quit during the choosing pitcher screen on BR?