I don’t put the blame with SDS. MLBTS 24 is clearly being ruined by people at Sony. Slowly killing this game and not giving it a second thought because they want certain things from this game and having zero clue about this game.

The emoji is a classic camera with a flash so my best guess would be a flashback series and possibly like a specific moment for each card or something like that.
@LIONED-33_XBL said in New card series for S4.:
set 4 will be the finest set, set 5 will be post season.
It won’t be finest because it says new card series with a camera emoji and plus finest will more than likely be set 6.
Hearing so many opinions one when roster update will happen. Some seem to think that since it’s not on the schedule, that means it will be Friday after next. I assumed it was 3 weeks and that we get it Thursday and SDS just ran out of room or forgot to add it. What are your guesses?
Just gauging community thoughts after the weekend on Napoli. He has been ok for me but not to the point that I want to call him the best card of this program. Absolutely loved Nap last year but this year I feel there has been more weak contact. Still hitting bombs but not as much as I would like. Definitely have thought of going back to JT.
Also you have to grind like 300 innings for that NS card. They definitely went way overboard this time.
@Pergo_MLBTS said in Keith Hernandez moment:
I got so mad when I saw what the moment was and then of course got lucky and did it on the first try.
Hit the top of the wall in 7th AB followed by 384 doubles
SDS I hate you for this. Damnit CBrev!! Gutfoxx was on to something there lol.
I don’t see how they would even do extra for collecting all the set 1 rewards. Not like a program. It’s just collect this many cards for these bosses. Not like they can give you extra cards. Maybe some Season 2 XP if they add a collection tab but I doubt having Chip, Babe, or Pedro does anything towards Set 2 rewards.
Saw a smart guess on here yesterday that pointed out all the Set 1 rewards are all AL/NL East so could be all AL/NL Central or AL/NL West guys in Set 2.
@dap1234567890 said in The ****** arrive in 3 ******?:
@OppoTacoz_XBL said in The ****** arrive in 3 ******?:
Also to note. In the app there are six stars and schedule in game there are only 5.
SDS is messing with us there!
Please add the Rangers City Connect jerseys SDS.
It has always been that way till sometime last year when it would jump to the top of the page which shouldn’t have happened. Glad they fixed it because scrolling to jerseys on bottom for 5 minutes just to QS them was annoying at best. Stopped even looking at jersey page last year no matter how many duplicates I had.
Also to note. In the app there are six stars and schedule in game there are only 5.
@dap1234567890 said in The ****** arrive in 3 ******?:
@OppoTacoz_XBL said in The ****** arrive in 3 ******?:
The first part is *****, not 6. I’m going with it being the comet or the lefty but can’t figure out the 2nd part. It would be in line with date they dropped Brett last year if it refers to weeks on the 2nd part.
Following the five stars is the word "arrive" and not "arrives" so that would indicate the five star word is plural.
Very good point. Didn’t even catch that part.
The first part is *****, not 6. I’m going with it being the comet or the lefty but can’t figure out the 2nd part. It would be in line with date they dropped Brett last year if it refers to weeks on the 2nd part.
@IBrooKBosS_XBL said in 25xp spin missing reward:
you got your reward.. you just did not know it. happen to me said i had a spin, it didn't spin I went to "packs" and had it waiting for me..
Got 5 pack for my 650k spin when I started the game today and have not seen any packs in my inventory since or yesterday while playing so no you don’t always get your reward.
@LaterDaze420223_XBL said in Update - Mini-Seasons Error - "Your Opponent Has An Invalid Roster":
I'm a very casual player and the TA vouchers are nice but I was one win away from getting an easter egg. I can't complete the program now because of "invalid roster" on the Lords.
Are you on regular MS or TA?
@ThaGhettoBlasta said in This is Eggsruciating!!! Where is #2:
All you need to do is beat 4 different teams and it’s yours. Has to be on classic and it doesn’t matter if you’re home or away. I went in won one and quit the next was home twice and away twice and it finally popped. You won’t get a notification. The egg is just there
I got it after only 3 teams.
Think about it like this. You’re going to spend 5x7500 or 40k to get the guy from that pack and then when you don’t it will cost you that much over to buy him outright.
Sony should be held accountable for the state of this game
New card series for S4.
New card series for S4.
Roster Update date prediction thread
How has your Nap been?
WS Rewards attainable in the WS Program Path are now Non Sellable
Keith Hernandez moment
Keith Hernandez moment
24 cards away
Set 2 collection predictions
The ****** arrive in 3 ******?
Texas Rangers Nike City Connect Jerseys
Just noticed something. Quick Selling a Jersey
The ****** arrive in 3 ******?
The ****** arrive in 3 ******?
The ****** arrive in 3 ******?
25xp spin missing reward
Update - Mini-Seasons Error - "Your Opponent Has An Invalid Roster"
This is Eggsruciating!!! Where is #2
Diamond Duos packs worth spending stubs?