Hey Jjbryd02 - yes, I read that a few times as well about their code set. I'd be fine skipping a cycle if it meant that MTO became a full franchise mode. However, we have skipped three cycles and haven't had any updates. There were no updates in 20, player metric 1.0 and depth charts (return from prior mode) in '21, and player metric 2.0 in '22. Heck, they didn't even correct the many, many players ages in the game for years and even had fake players.
I'll 100% agree that EA is a train wreck but they are at least trying to improve their franchise mode. They forked it up nicely this year, really bad, but at least they tried something. The Show/SDS hasn't done really anything in 5+ years.
@MLB the show - if you see this, DO NOT put in fake MTO video highlights into your franchise segment again. We both know you've done that to try to make it appear like the mode received any attention, that was VERY clear you in that in '21. Look at the premier video and tell me otherwise!
I'm still 100% sticking with my under pick on the 1.5 features being added. Again, I'd be very happy to be wrong here and will post asap that I'm wrong if I am. Please make me be wrong here, SDS!