Mini seasons is still screwed up as well. Oh well, they got our money. What do they care?

This is ridiculous. Android gets their app updated but if you have a iOS you’re stuck using the website where you have to enter a captcha every 5 seconds or the website freezes. Every year this happens and every year I feel stupid for pre ordering just to be a free QA tester
Is SDS going to acknowledge this is still busted??
Amazing how silent SDS has been about this. Thanks for offering a double XP weekend for a game we can’t even play.
Joke company. So everyone who wasted time is just screwed? Pathetic.
Still no acknowledgement from SDS, huh? Oh well, they got our money so they don't care now.
All I want is the Mark Mulder card and I can’t even play the freaking mode. @CBrev47_MLBTS
This is an embarrassment. Android gets the app updated no problem. If you’re on iOS you get stuck using the geo sites level website and have to do a captcha every 3 minutes. This stuff happens EVERY year and I feel like such a clown for pre ordering just to be a free QA tester.
God I wish I could get a refund at this point
How dare people who paid for a product expect it to work!!
@Batifury2_PSN said in MLB THE SHOW 23 ISSUES:
I feel that San Diego studio is ripping us off. They should just have updates every year similar to what Fornite does. We need to stop this madness.
Nothing will change until the streamers and kids stop spending money on stubs.
Day 3 of asking SDS to fix their broken game or at least acknowledge the issue.
Over 3 days and still no acknowledgment. This is such a joke. Maybe if we mention buying stubs they will mention it. @CBrev47_PSN
Why did you guys remove the post game card reward?
Kind of ridiculous you removed it and didn't say a word about it because you knew people would be upset about it. Another way to force people to buy stubs?
I feel like this happens every single year.
Why is there not a better way to see duplicate cards in our inventory? It's been awful for years and needs to be changed somehow PLEASE lol. It would be super neat if there was a "duplicate cards" page in the binder or something. The way it is now is horrific.
It’s really pathetic that this happens every single year and we all just say “it’s to be expected” why are we so okay with this?
They don’t care
Apparently SDS doesn’t care
@CBrev47_MLBTS Why are you avoiding this thread
Update - Companion App & iOS
Update - Mini-Seasons Error - "Your Opponent Has An Invalid Roster"
Server Stability 4/21/21 - UPDATE
Update - Mini-Seasons Error - "Your Opponent Has An Invalid Roster"
Update - Mini-Seasons Error - "Your Opponent Has An Invalid Roster"
Update - Mini-Seasons Error - "Your Opponent Has An Invalid Roster"
Update - Companion App & iOS
Server Stability 4/21/21 - UPDATE
Stop complaining about servers
Update - Mini-Seasons Error - "Your Opponent Has An Invalid Roster"
Update - Mini-Seasons Error - "Your Opponent Has An Invalid Roster"
Game Update 3 Thread
MLB The Unhandled Server Exception
Game Update 5 Thread
Servers down?
5 years later and the GLITCH FACE still exist?
Invalid Roster happening again for Mini Seasons.
Update - Mini-Seasons Error - "Your Opponent Has An Invalid Roster"