@Ding-Dang_Donkey said in Love the new hitting:
I don’t understand the hate. I recently complained about too much offense and since the patch the hitting engine seems amazing. I agree that pitcher control, timing window, and defense animations need to be fixed, but the pci placement’s effect on contact seems perfect. You need to really square it up to hit it hard, which I realistic. In past games if it was within the pci at all it was considered good placement, now you need to even get it in the middle of the pci, which makes sense. Hitting is a very difficult task in real life, and this new patch reflects that. And in my experience when it is squared up it goes a very long way. Pre-patch was great for people that wanted to smash every other pitch 500 feet, not for those that want to play baseball. If you’re looking to hit the ball as far as you can without any difficulty, hop into online home run derby. But for DD, the gameplay is so much better post patch. Please SDS make the same changes to custom leagues games as well not just DD. Thanks.
New hitting is trash. revert it. anything DS and up is bad on HOF and legend