Let me guess. The Tommy pham moment. Type of thing to make a man go crazy

@KILLERPRESENCE4 said in Using an imac for a monitor:
I think the OP is talking about refresh rates and yes the lightning port will push the max that the ps4 will put it out with plenty of room to spare. The issue that you might have Is whether the hdmi lightning adapter is compatible with the ps4. I would imagine it is but you’d have to try it and find out. I have a Thunderbolt Display too but have never used it like that.
so I imagine its worth a try eh. Thanks
@ChuckCLC said in Using an imac for a monitor:
@nos_4_a2_ said in Using an imac for a monitor:
@ChuckCLC said in Using an imac for a monitor:
The PS4 doesnt push out good framerates dude. 60 is the best it can do, and i doubt many games developed in the last couple years have came close to that. Especially this one. The hardware is way behind right now. Best thing to do is wait for the PS5. Then hardware will be ahead for a couple years.
Then why is it better to use a gaming monitor over a TV?
Input lag if your TV does not have game mode. Most monitors dont have all the additional features that slows down the operations to present cinematic pictures and so on. So you dont have to worry about the input lag.
My tv does have game mode. But playing from offline to online is a clear difference
@ChuckCLC said in Using an imac for a monitor:
The PS4 doesnt push out good framerates dude. 60 is the best it can do, and i doubt many games developed in the last couple years have came close to that. Especially this one. The hardware is way behind right now. Best thing to do is wait for the PS5. Then hardware will be ahead for a couple years.
Then why is it better to use a gaming monitor over a TV?
has anyone tried using a thunderbolt adapter to use an imac as a gaming monitor for the show 20? My 4k Sony TV isn't pushing out good frame rate to play online games smooth. I can play offline great on it, but online I can't keep up with the pitching. I do however have a 2018 imac. Does the thunderbolt cable work well enough to use my imac as a gaming monitor? And if so any tips on the cable to buy and settings to use?
if and when I get him, mvp josh donaldson. Currently have a buy order in for him at 681 000 stubs.
@The_DoctorsWife said in will josh donaldsons price drop?:
Speaking of price drops... what is with LS Nolan Arenado's price this year?? It's gone through the roof. Is he that rare to get from packs, or something?
fan favorite I think. I have him for the mantle collection and did mediocre with him.
@mitchhammond24 said in will josh donaldsons price drop?:
My dumb [censored] sold him for 500k like a month ago
Where are you when I need you bro!!
@ZFree1122 said in will josh donaldsons price drop?:
Donaldsons good but in no way worth 700k.
Yeah but he's one of my favorite players being a jays fan.
@allmustfall16 said in will josh donaldsons price drop?:
The 99 BR rewards will be 600k-1,000,000 stubs the rest of the year.
Not enough of them to go around and stubs were easier to come by this year.
I sort of like it though. The rarest cards in the game are fun to chase after. Because if they weren’t rare, everyone’s teams would be basically the same.
Yeah, in that case I'm just gonna bite the bullet and get the card I want. I'll fill my team out again after retrieving donaldosn. It'll be fun!
@Aussie392 said in will josh donaldsons price drop?:
@nos_4_a2_ said in will josh donaldsons price drop?:
I'm not good enough to go 12 and 0. But i have been saving my stubs to acquire this card. I currently have 517000 stubs. Will this card ever drop from the 700 000 stub price mark? Or do I continue to sell off cards to pay that high price tag? Or do I gamble on the pack sale to make the stubs I need? Side note, I got gerrit cole from a free pack. His price has dropped to half, do I wait for him to go back up in price or is this is new price tag?
hes below a 90 now, so his price will most likely stay where it is or drop even more.... SELL NOW
Ok thankss for the advice dude
I'm not good enough to go 12 and 0. But i have been saving my stubs to acquire this card. I currently have 517000 stubs. Will this card ever drop from the 700 000 stub price mark? Or do I continue to sell off cards to pay that high price tag? Or do I gamble on the pack sale to make the stubs I need? Side note, I got gerrit cole from a free pack. His price has dropped to half, do I wait for him to go back up in price or is this is new price tag?
Just recently got Eddie mathews. I really like him so far, but it's early still.
I have Hornsby at first. Thinking of switching as well, but its tough.
These moments are the worst! They're truly making me hate Brandon Phillips. I never did before, but now I think he sucks lol. Which he doesnt.
@olivegarden2 said in Long list of best cards at each position:
@nos_4_a2_ said in Long list of best cards at each position:
I've got carlson at left, Sheffield at 3rd brujan at short, and sandberg at 2and. Should I sell carlson to get Rollins? And move brujan to second and Sandberg to third and sheffeild to right? (Moving trout to left).
Depends if you mind a small strike zone. Rollins has a small strike zone I don’t like. Carlson also has more power. It’s personal preference for this decision
I'm not sure. I do like Carlson's swing and defence though. In reality I should just grind to get Rollins for free. But not sure I have the time.
I've got carlson at left, Sheffield at 3rd brujan at short, and sandberg at 2and. Should I sell carlson to get Rollins? And move brujan to second and Sandberg to third and sheffeild to right? (Moving trout to left).
What about Fotf jones or Sheffield at 3rd base?
@Gbobnick said in Dumb Question:
@nos_4_a2_ said in Dumb Question:
Yes you can. Dont hesitate to lock a card if you need it for any collections. It can be locked in all collections. For example, once you get mantle, lock him in any collection you can.
I appreciate it. I was sitting here trying to figure out which to lock Reynolds and Griffey Sr. Into then thought maybe I don’t have to pick
Glad to help. Exchange mission rewards are different. You can't exchange a locked card. If your unsure what exchanges are, you'll see it in team affinity missions, or monthly missions. I'd focus on collections and any duplicates you can exchange.
@ItsFroggyBaby said in All this game is....:
People probably think i do this, but i keep getting disconnected. the server has been atrocious. i have great internet so i shouldn't be losig connection
Atleast you know it's not on your end if you get the W. Ice never taken a loss for a connection loss. But have taken a few Ws. Doesnt really bug me when you get the W.
Using an imac for a monitor
Using an imac for a monitor
Using an imac for a monitor
Using an imac for a monitor
one player that would never leave your line up
will josh donaldsons price drop?
will josh donaldsons price drop?
will josh donaldsons price drop?
will josh donaldsons price drop?
will josh donaldsons price drop?
will josh donaldsons price drop?
Best 3B outside chipper
Who do you have at 1st Base?
Seriously screw Brandon Phillips
Long list of best cards at each position
Long list of best cards at each position
Long list of best cards at each position
Dumb Question
All this game is....