If u could actually hut high fastballs in directional it would be cool. Zone hitting still sucks cuz the pci is retarded
Wasn't banned for freezing games. Just cuz people quit in the first inning doesn't mean I freeze. Hell I just got froze out of a game yesterday after 3 straight wins. Happens almost daily. Plus my record is like 13 games over 500. So I'm not cheating very well. I was banned from xbox
I finally got to my highest online ranking for seasons. Not to mention just got Lou Gehrig and Justin verlander. Also have easily spent a a fewhundred bucks on stubs when I first started now I get my account banned permanently. No hacking r cheating just communication [censored]. Never threatened anyone, or harassed anyone just would occasionally swear when I'm baited into it. I'm so pissed right now with all the time I've put in and I get shut down with no explanation.
There are only 2 pitchers I've faced that people will leave in over 110 pitches and that's degrom and Ryan. I've noticed that longer the game goes hitters will usually start pounding the ball. But degrom and Ryan 102 still dotting
Out of everything to patch stamina should be the easiest. Give me a break. 12 innings 2 runs and 137 pitches. Well you know back in the day nolan Ryan would do that all the time. Sorry but no.
It's wifi. But it's xfinity. The game played smooth all the way until the end it cut me out. It doesn't happen often to me but I've gotten about 10 wins having it happen to other people. Just not 2 outs away in the 9th
This game is something else. I hit a 2 run bomb in the top of 11. Strike out his first batter then with 2 strikes and his guy swinging at strike 3 it freezes me out. Tired of putting time into this trash heap of a game. Just wasted nearly an hour on some [censored] where I should have a win only to have the punk I beat get the win. So over this [censored] game
This Game Became Biast Towards .....
Xbox is the worst
Xbox is the worst
137 pitches
137 pitches
Connection issues
Connection issues