Co-op is already broke and full of hackers. We played ranked co-op and our opponent had roster full of *Real 99 cards. We reported them on Xbox. Luckily they suck and make them rage quit.

Same thing happened this morning. Played co-op and our opponent had 99 Real Juan Soto and bunch of other minor league Real 99 cards. Thankfully we beat them bad and they raged quit on us.
This just happened to me too. Co-op ranked and they had Real Juan Soto and Willy Mays, Jimmy Rollins and bunch of other 99 cards. Xbox Gamertags: toojelly and tooepsteinnn (reported on xbox)
They sucked and quit!
Co-Op Broken Cheaters/Exploit; Roster 99 Overalls
Team full of 99s. devs?