I only needed to buy 1 sig series, so I got him, I wasn't overly excited about him being the reward, first game online and he went 3-4 with 3 bombs, 2nd game 3-4 with 2 doubles off the wall.....my opinion has changed, he is worth every stub

nbol 011_XBL
@nbol 011_XBL
I got Judge
Yup, attempted to play 4 ranked games, all 4 froze inside 3 innings, currently sitting in a freeze off as I type
Pasada rakes
I lost around 500k, sent several bug reports, and heard nothing....I'd have the live series set done if it wasn't for that
Anyone else have Mookie already?
How many of you got Vlad as your "90 Plus Live" at 650000?
Who you rocking at Catcher?
Missing cancelled order stubs