Weird. I have completed the Central Conquest map. No problems for me.

Is there is mystery map???
It took the fun out playing MTO for a day or two
Probably, I have never been accused of cheating in my life! And when a program (not a person), I am miffed.
I really don't care about the XP at this point. I have maxed out the 600,000 XP. Any additional XP will be wasted. But I do not appreciate being called a cheat or something like that.
Nothing like that. I would exit the mode normally. One is not required to complete MTO in one session, right? The game will ask, do you wish to quit MTO? I will choose "yes." I don't remember any outages or internet drop either.
I was given an ingame warning about usual behavior concerning my March to October save file. I was flabergasted. What did I do wrong? Was I being accused of tampering with the said file. It is not something I would do. And even if I would, I have absolutely no idea how to do it.
Diamond Dynasty Conquest Central map wont conquer 2 spots
I don't think online play is good for my health
Unsual behavior
Unsual behavior
Unsual behavior
Unsual behavior
Unsual behavior