That sucks dude. I'll admit I've done it when someone deservidly did bush league stuff prior in RS (not my finest moment) but doing it in the event is sad
Jun 15, 2020, 5:33 PM
Jun 15, 2020, 11:08 AM
@dogslax41 said in [Quitting after first
Who gives a rats [censored] about an event win, especially when the rewards are garbage. A lot of people are playing for stats quitting after your at bat is bush league and wastes your opponents time.
Well said. And throw in intentionally walking prestige players to keep your opponent from getting stats.
Jun 15, 2020, 10:38 AM
Nope, it was me and I'll own up to it, and share my side of the story, I've got nothin to hide.
pootiecat got butthurt that he was losing in the event and intentionally walked bellinger, didi, and snyder to keep me from getting prestige stats; Even admitted so in a psn message after the fact.
Then he goes and replays a homerun while down 9-0, which by itself aint a problem- though it's definitely silly.
But, you do BOTH those things in a stupid event game meant to grind prestige stats, and I'm gonna let you know about it and rub it in a little.
Yea, I def let pootiecat know I beat him after that [censored].
Was I decent to pootiecat, definitely not because pootiecat wasn't being decent to me.
Was I being childish? Yea, most definitely. But that's what you get for being childish yourself pootiecat. You aint innocent in this.
I've said my peace...feel free to keep sharing one side of the story pootiecat
Jun 14, 2020, 9:23 PM
Can't justify not playing Belli in the of. He's too good
Jun 8, 2020, 4:52 AM
Heck yeah! That's awesome!
Jun 8, 2020, 4:12 AM
Ellsbury all the way. Victorino sucks at hitting
People really Quit in the event.....
Quitting after first at bat for prestiges
What happened to being decent to your opponent....cmon man
What position are you playing POTM Bellinger?
Best show night ever
Prestige Ellsbury or Victorino?