The Diamond Asics Goldstage Professional Style Bat has the Stats of a Silver Bat.
Pwr+2 Con+4
All the Gold level bats have better stats.
I wonder if this is just a funny joke bat? It quick sells for 1,000 stubs.

This is for XBOX
Go to Settings Gameplay
LB/RB General
LT/RT Misc
Turn off Player Lock Show Time Opportunities -
I agree with the game code as above.
I could for example:
Create a Catcher for Boston since they are in dire need of one
Put all diamond gear and perks on and be level 90ish, well above the current catcher
Play or Sim and I will not get promoted to AAA until June
Play or Sim some more and finally make it to The Show in JulyAt least this year you have a chance to make Rookie of the year, not getting promoted until August.
Things I have seen this year.
- I was on base and my teammate actually sac bunted.
2.I was on base and a pitch hitter was announced.
One thing I would like to see is the Manager signal/Tell me to steal. Cool feature that 2k has.
- I was on base and my teammate actually sac bunted.
Go to Settings "General" and turn Balks on. See if that helps with the pitcher quick pitching.
Diamond Asics Bat
Is there a way to remove this
Is it possible to be the number 1 draft pick?
My Wishlist for 25
No Lead Off Time