My favorite card. Even against lefties he mashes. He hit a 515ft HR for me against a lefty at Coors last event.
The boss matches weren’t as bad as the rest. The opening round of the draft they gave me all pitchers. Went into the final showdown having to score 7 runs. I recorded 7outs over 100mph. Had to hit a solo shot with Bogaerts to win it with 3 outs left. My reward was Sutter who isn’t selling for much.. feel like I’d rather just to the TA showdown instead.
Got mine today was in the early 100s
conquest is very easy but takes an eternity. finally finished it today and got lou
I’ve experimented with tons of them. My honest opinion is to experiment with what feels best to you and your hand and then literally stick with it for a while.
I just hit level 1 and it seems to be taking a really long time to level up. Am I experiencing an issue or does it just take forever to get through these levels? I’ve finished two showdowns and only leveled up once.
Billy Williams, Albert Belle, Yogi Berra
A new Jackie program is launching today? I saw something about a bat skin but didn’t see anything about a 99 overall Jackie
Ryan Howard
8-0. I haven't played much RS because everything has been so hectic. The rewards haven't been that great and was focused on getting Mickey and my CAP maxed out. I've done both now and will continue to grind out the rest of the programs and showdown before diving back in. Honestly, all the feedback I've been seeing from everyone and the streamers is the game is playing terribly right now. I'd rather just finish out the content as it is released so once the game tightens up a bit it will be more fun to play RS.
I worked the market a ton, grinded Showdown and literally sold everything I earned that didn’t get me Mantle. I was determined to get him with no money spent so it did feel good once I accomplished it. It wasn’t easy and had horrific pack luck so had zero help there.
Mo Vaughn and Frank Thomas. If only Mo had stayed a Red Sox I think his career would’ve ended differently.
That’s some amazing luck you have. I’ve almost completed all of the AL TAs and haven’t pulled a single diamond.
I might have missed it, but will there be changes made to Showdown once the new TA rewards go live?
I haven’t worked the NL West yet but my approach has essentially been to take till I have two strikes unless they throw a really good pitch to hit. Don’t lay off fastballs or hangers right down the middle, drill them. Use good quirks as well. Work the pitcher so it lowers their confidence and energy. Also, it’s really easy to get frustrated when you make several outs to start the showdown. Always stay patient and don’t chase. Avoid K’s as much as possible. All sort of common sense things, but they all have helped me. Good luck!
I’ve been grinding these and been having a relatively easy time beating every final boss. Started working to get Soto today and Degrom was dotting every pitch. Made a lot of hard contact but literally did not have a hit with 9 outs to go and came back and beat him. Scored 10 runs and had 5 outs left. The game rewards you eventually. Never stop working the count.
I’m having a blast this year. Love the smaller PCI and I feel like good placement is getting rewarded more. One issue though would be with too many good-oks ending in weak contact with near perfect PCI placement. Showdown is awesome for building a no money spent team. 100% agree 20 is better than 19 right now.
I've finished the conquest map the last three years and never pulled a diamond. Nice pulls for you!
20 totals points
I’ve been grinding the AL West and got Olsen yesterday and almost have Gallo. AL West isn’t too bad. I have a bunch more to do since I want to get Ohtani and Correa..
RIB Showdown
New Chipper Update
What's the best way to go about Extreme if you're just trying for Yelich & maybe "Nasty" Nate?
Kontrol Freaks
Prestige Exp and leveling
'Lost' Legends
99 Jackie
99s Coming in 5th Inning
Ranked seasons records
If you got Mantle with no $ spent
Favorite player growing up?
Affinity packs
Stage 2 TA Showdown
NL West Bumgarner... any tips?
Showdown is definitely off.
Went back and played a game of 19
Conquest 10 pack Diamond pulls
Easiest Showdown??
Easiest Showdown??